On 04/12/2024 17:52, Drew Parsons wrote:
On 2024-12-04 17:42, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
Hi Drew,

On 03/12/2024 16:25, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
On 03/12/2024 14:33, Drew Parsons wrote:
All the hypre and petsc uploads for this transition are done,
and packages built against the new openmpi 5.

Looks like the sundials autopkgtest failure is going to be a blocker, could you take a look at it? Some tests are timing out on a few architectures:


Can you revert the -7 upload? I had hints in place to have openmpi et al migrate to testing at the 1600Z britney run, but the -7 upload entangled everything with cmake, which is unlikely to be ready in the next couple of days. The revert will likely make libsundials-dev buggy in testing until cmake migrates, and you can upload the cmake dependency again after sundials/openmpi migrate to testing, but I think getting openmpi out of the way is more important at this stage.

Looks like britney sorted it out eventually anyway.

If you mean the autopkgtest, that was Graham scheduling tests with cmake/sid upon my request.

Might as well revert the versioned depends and just wait for britney to figure it out.

Great, thanks for the revert.


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