Your message dated Sat, 09 Nov 2024 10:51:02 +0000
with message-id 
and subject line Closing bugs released with 12.8
has caused the Debian Bug report #1081750,
regarding bookworm-pu: package python3.11/3.11.2-6+deb12u4
to be marked as done.

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If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
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Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
Usertags: pu
Control: affects -1 + src:python3.11

Dear release team,

As suggested by Moritz in #1080245, I am proposing a python3.11 bookworm
update to fix two issues described below.

[ Reason ]
The proposed update contains fixes for two issues: 1. a minor regression
caused by DSA 5759-1 and the CVE-2024-8088 fix. And 2. CVE-2024-6232, a
minor vulnerabilty about excesive backtracking on parsing tarfile

DSA 5759-1:

[ Impact ]
Being exposed to the mentioned regression and the tarfile vulnerability.

[ Tests ]
I've tested the zipfile regression fix as described at:
The CVE-2024-6232 fix includes a test suite is successfuly run at build

The test run during build have similar results than those from
3.11.2-6+deb12u2[1]. There are two failures on "test_distutils test_tools".


I am also running the proposed python3.11 update on my bookwork without
any issue.

[ Risks ]
I consider the risks involved on this update minor. The fixes have been
included in python3.12 3.12.6, already in trixie.

[ Checklist ]
  [x] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [x] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
  [ ] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable (they are on python3.12

[ Changes ]
The changes are two patches:
* 0001-3.11-gh-123270-Replaced-SanitizedNames-with-a-more-s.patch that
  fixes how paths are sanitized in zipfile.

* CVE-2024-6232.patch, as described by its author:
  * Remove backtracking when parsing tarfile headers
  * Rewrite PAX header parsing to be stricter
  * Optimize parsing of GNU extended sparse headers v0.0

[ Other info ]
I can share the build log if needed.


 -- Santiago
diff -Nru python3.11-3.11.2/debian/changelog python3.11-3.11.2/debian/changelog
--- python3.11-3.11.2/debian/changelog  2024-08-26 04:20:54.000000000 -0300
+++ python3.11-3.11.2/debian/changelog  2024-09-14 00:00:30.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+python3.11 (3.11.2-6+deb12u4) bookworm; urgency=medium
+  * Fix zipfile.Path regression introduced by 3.11.2-6+deb12u3
+    (Closes: 1080245)
+  * Fix CVE-2024-6232: Regular expressions that allowed excessive backtracking
+    during tarfile.TarFile header parsing are vulnerable to ReDoS via
+    specifically-crafted tar archives
+ -- Santiago Ruano Rincón <>  Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:00:30 
 python3.11 (3.11.2-6+deb12u3) bookworm-security; urgency=medium
   * CVE-2024-0397 
diff -Nru 
    1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
    2024-09-14 00:00:30.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+From fc0b8259e693caa8400fa8b6ac1e494e47ea7798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "Jason R. Coombs" <>
+Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 11:52:54 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] [3.11] gh-123270: Replaced SanitizedNames with a more
+ surgical fix. (GH-123354) (#123425)
+Applies changes from zipp 3.20.1 and jaraco/zippGH-124
+(cherry picked from commit 2231286d78d328c2f575e0b05b16fe447d1656d6)
+Co-authored-by: Jason R. Coombs <>
+* Restore the slash-prefixed paths in the malformed_paths test.
+Origin: upstream,
+ Lib/test/                      | 72 +++++++++++++++++--
+ Lib/                                | 69 +++---------------
+ |  3 +
+ 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 
+Index: python3/Lib/test/
+--- python3.orig/Lib/test/
++++ python3/Lib/test/
+@@ -3546,7 +3546,11 @@ class EncodedMetadataTests(unittest.Test
+     def test_malformed_paths(self):
+         """
+-        Path should handle malformed paths.
++        Path should handle malformed paths gracefully.
++        Paths with leading slashes are not visible.
++        Paths with dots are treated like regular files.
+         """
+         data = io.BytesIO()
+         zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, "w")
+@@ -3555,11 +3559,67 @@ class EncodedMetadataTests(unittest.Test
+         zf.writestr("../parent.txt", b"content")
+         zf.filename = ''
+         root = zipfile.Path(zf)
+-        assert list(map(str, root.iterdir())) == [
+-            'one-slash.txt',
+-            'two-slash.txt',
+-            'parent.txt',
+-        ]
++        assert list(map(str, root.iterdir())) == ['../']
++        assert root.joinpath('..').joinpath('parent.txt').read_bytes() == 
++    def test_unsupported_names(self):
++        """
++        Path segments with special characters are readable.
++        On some platforms or file systems, characters like
++        ``:`` and ``?`` are not allowed, but they are valid
++        in the zip file.
++        """
++        data = io.BytesIO()
++        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, "w")
++        zf.writestr("path?", b"content")
++        zf.writestr("V: NMS.flac", b"fLaC...")
++        zf.filename = ''
++        root = zipfile.Path(zf)
++        contents = root.iterdir()
++        assert next(contents).name == 'path?'
++        assert next(contents).name == 'V: NMS.flac'
++        assert root.joinpath('V: NMS.flac').read_bytes() == b"fLaC..."
++    def test_backslash_not_separator(self):
++        """
++        In a zip file, backslashes are not separators.
++        """
++        data = io.BytesIO()
++        zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, "w")
++        zf.writestr(DirtyZipInfo.for_name("foo\\bar", zf), b"content")
++        zf.filename = ''
++        root = zipfile.Path(zf)
++        (first,) = root.iterdir()
++        assert not first.is_dir()
++        assert == 'foo\\bar'
++class DirtyZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo):
++    """
++    Bypass name sanitization.
++    """
++    def __init__(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
++        super().__init__(filename, *args, **kwargs)
++        self.filename = filename
++    @classmethod
++    def for_name(cls, name, archive):
++        """
++        Construct the same way that ZipFile.writestr does.
++        TODO: extract this functionality and re-use
++        """
++        self = cls(filename=name, date_time=time.localtime(time.time())[:6])
++        self.compress_type = archive.compression
++        self.compress_level = archive.compresslevel
++        if self.filename.endswith('/'):  # pragma: no cover
++            self.external_attr = 0o40775 << 16  # drwxrwxr-x
++            self.external_attr |= 0x10  # MS-DOS directory flag
++        else:
++            self.external_attr = 0o600 << 16  # ?rw-------
++        return self
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+Index: python3/Lib/
+--- python3.orig/Lib/
++++ python3/Lib/
+@@ -2201,7 +2201,7 @@ def _parents(path):
+ def _ancestry(path):
+     """
+     Given a path with elements separated by
+-    posixpath.sep, generate all elements of that path
++    posixpath.sep, generate all elements of that path.
+     >>> list(_ancestry('b/d'))
+     ['b/d', 'b']
+@@ -2213,9 +2213,14 @@ def _ancestry(path):
+     ['b']
+     >>> list(_ancestry(''))
+     []
++    Multiple separators are treated like a single.
++    >>> list(_ancestry('//b//d///f//'))
++    ['//b//d///f', '//b//d', '//b']
+     """
+     path = path.rstrip(posixpath.sep)
+-    while path and path != posixpath.sep:
++    while path.rstrip(posixpath.sep):
+         yield path
+         path, tail = posixpath.split(path)
+@@ -2232,65 +2237,7 @@ def _difference(minuend, subtrahend):
+     return itertools.filterfalse(set(subtrahend).__contains__, minuend)
+-class SanitizedNames:
+-    """
+-    ZipFile mix-in to ensure names are sanitized.
+-    """
+-    def namelist(self):
+-        return list(map(self._sanitize, super().namelist()))
+-    @staticmethod
+-    def _sanitize(name):
+-        r"""
+-        Ensure a relative path with posix separators and no dot names.
+-        Modeled after
+-        but provides consistent cross-platform behavior.
+-        >>> san = SanitizedNames._sanitize
+-        >>> san('/foo/bar')
+-        'foo/bar'
+-        >>> san('//foo.txt')
+-        'foo.txt'
+-        >>> san('foo/.././bar.txt')
+-        'foo/bar.txt'
+-        >>> san('foo../.bar.txt')
+-        'foo../.bar.txt'
+-        >>> san('\\foo\\bar.txt')
+-        'foo/bar.txt'
+-        >>> san('D:\\foo.txt')
+-        'D/foo.txt'
+-        >>> san('\\\\server\\share\\file.txt')
+-        'server/share/file.txt'
+-        >>> san('\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT\\Volume3')
+-        '?/GLOBALROOT/Volume3'
+-        >>> san('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive1\\root')
+-        'PhysicalDrive1/root'
+-        Retain any trailing slash.
+-        >>> san('abc/')
+-        'abc/'
+-        Raises a ValueError if the result is empty.
+-        >>> san('../..')
+-        Traceback (most recent call last):
+-        ...
+-        ValueError: Empty filename
+-        """
+-        def allowed(part):
+-            return part and part not in {'..', '.'}
+-        # Remove the drive letter.
+-        # Don't use ntpath.splitdrive, because that also strips UNC paths
+-        bare = re.sub('^([A-Z]):', r'\1', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+-        clean = bare.replace('\\', '/')
+-        parts = clean.split('/')
+-        joined = '/'.join(filter(allowed, parts))
+-        if not joined:
+-            raise ValueError("Empty filename")
+-        return joined + '/' * name.endswith('/')
+-class CompleteDirs(SanitizedNames, ZipFile):
++class CompleteDirs(ZipFile):
+     """
+     A ZipFile subclass that ensures that implied directories
+     are always included in the namelist.
+--- /dev/null
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++Applied a more surgical fix for malformed payloads in :class:`zipfile.Path`
++causing infinite loops (gh-122905) without breaking contents using
++legitimate characters.
diff -Nru python3.11-3.11.2/debian/patches/CVE-2024-6232.patch 
--- python3.11-3.11.2/debian/patches/CVE-2024-6232.patch        1969-12-31 
21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ python3.11-3.11.2/debian/patches/CVE-2024-6232.patch        2024-09-14 
00:00:30.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+From d449caf8a179e3b954268b3a88eb9170be3c8fbf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Seth Michael Larson <>
+Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 10:07:13 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] [3.11] gh-121285: Remove backtracking when parsing tarfile
+ headers (GH-121286) (#123639)
+* Remove backtracking when parsing tarfile headers
+* Rewrite PAX header parsing to be stricter
+* Optimize parsing of GNU extended sparse headers v0.0
+(cherry picked from commit 34ddb64d088dd7ccc321f6103d23153256caa5d4)
+Co-authored-by: Kirill Podoprigora <>
+Co-authored-by: Gregory P. Smith <>
+Origin: backport,
+ Lib/                                | 105 +++++++++++-------
+ Lib/test/                      |  42 +++++++
+ |   2 +
+ 3 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 
+Index: python3/Lib/
+--- python3.orig/Lib/
++++ python3/Lib/
+@@ -712,6 +712,10 @@ class ExFileObject(io.BufferedReader):
+ #------------------
+ # Exported Classes
+ #------------------
++# Header length is digits followed by a space.
++_header_length_prefix_re = re.compile(br"([0-9]{1,20}) ")
+ class TarInfo(object):
+     """Informational class which holds the details about an
+        archive member given by a tar header block.
+@@ -1240,41 +1244,59 @@ class TarInfo(object):
+         else:
+             pax_headers = tarfile.pax_headers.copy()
+-        # Check if the pax header contains a hdrcharset field. This tells us
+-        # the encoding of the path, linkpath, uname and gname fields. 
+-        # these fields are UTF-8 encoded but since POSIX.1-2008 tar
+-        # implementations are allowed to store them as raw binary strings if
+-        # the translation to UTF-8 fails.
+-        match ="\d+ hdrcharset=([^\n]+)\n", buf)
+-        if match is not None:
+-            pax_headers["hdrcharset"] ="utf-8")
+-        # For the time being, we don't care about anything other than 
+-        # The only other value that is currently allowed by the standard is
+-        # "ISO-IR 10646 2000 UTF-8" in other words UTF-8.
+-        hdrcharset = pax_headers.get("hdrcharset")
+-        if hdrcharset == "BINARY":
+-            encoding = tarfile.encoding
+-        else:
+-            encoding = "utf-8"
+         # Parse pax header information. A record looks like that:
+         # "%d %s=%s\n" % (length, keyword, value). length is the size
+         # of the complete record including the length field itself and
+-        # the newline. keyword and value are both UTF-8 encoded strings.
+-        regex = re.compile(br"(\d+) ([^=]+)=")
++        # the newline.
+         pos = 0
+-        while True:
+-            match = regex.match(buf, pos)
+-            if not match:
+-                break
++        encoding = None
++        raw_headers = []
++        while len(buf) > pos and buf[pos] != 0x00:
++            if not (match := _header_length_prefix_re.match(buf, pos)):
++                raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
++            try:
++                length = int(
++            except ValueError:
++                raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
++            # Headers must be at least 5 bytes, shortest being '5 x=\n'.
++            # Value is allowed to be empty.
++            if length < 5:
++                raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
++            if pos + length > len(buf):
++                raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
++            header_value_end_offset = match.start(1) + length - 1  # Last 
byte of the header
++            keyword_and_value = buf[match.end(1) + 1:header_value_end_offset]
++            raw_keyword, equals, raw_value = keyword_and_value.partition(b"=")
+-            length, keyword = match.groups()
+-            length = int(length)
+-            if length == 0:
++            # Check the framing of the header. The last character must be 
'\n' (0x0A)
++            if not raw_keyword or equals != b"=" or 
buf[header_value_end_offset] != 0x0A:
+                 raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
+-            value = buf[match.end(2) + 1:match.start(1) + length - 1]
++            raw_headers.append((length, raw_keyword, raw_value))
++            # Check if the pax header contains a hdrcharset field. This tells 
++            # the encoding of the path, linkpath, uname and gname fields. 
++            # these fields are UTF-8 encoded but since POSIX.1-2008 tar
++            # implementations are allowed to store them as raw binary strings 
++            # the translation to UTF-8 fails. For the time being, we don't 
care about
++            # anything other than "BINARY". The only other value that is 
++            # allowed by the standard is "ISO-IR 10646 2000 UTF-8" in other 
words UTF-8.
++            # Note that we only follow the initial 'hdrcharset' setting to 
++            # the initial behavior of the 'tarfile' module.
++            if raw_keyword == b"hdrcharset" and encoding is None:
++                if raw_value == b"BINARY":
++                    encoding = tarfile.encoding
++                else:  # This branch ensures only the first 'hdrcharset' 
header is used.
++                    encoding = "utf-8"
++            pos += length
++        # If no explicit hdrcharset is set, we use UTF-8 as a default.
++        if encoding is None:
++            encoding = "utf-8"
++        # After parsing the raw headers we can decode them to text.
++        for length, raw_keyword, raw_value in raw_headers:
+             # Normally, we could just use "utf-8" as the encoding and "strict"
+             # as the error handler, but we better not take the risk. For
+             # example, GNU tar <= 1.23 is known to store filenames it cannot
+@@ -1282,17 +1304,16 @@ class TarInfo(object):
+             # hdrcharset=BINARY header).
+             # We first try the strict standard encoding, and if that fails we
+             # fall back on the user's encoding and error handler.
+-            keyword = self._decode_pax_field(keyword, "utf-8", "utf-8",
++            keyword = self._decode_pax_field(raw_keyword, "utf-8", "utf-8",
+                     tarfile.errors)
+             if keyword in PAX_NAME_FIELDS:
+-                value = self._decode_pax_field(value, encoding, 
++                value = self._decode_pax_field(raw_value, encoding, 
+                         tarfile.errors)
+             else:
+-                value = self._decode_pax_field(value, "utf-8", "utf-8",
++                value = self._decode_pax_field(raw_value, "utf-8", "utf-8",
+                         tarfile.errors)
+             pax_headers[keyword] = value
+-            pos += length
+         # Fetch the next header.
+         try:
+@@ -1307,7 +1328,7 @@ class TarInfo(object):
+         elif "GNU.sparse.size" in pax_headers:
+             # GNU extended sparse format version 0.0.
+-            self._proc_gnusparse_00(next, pax_headers, buf)
++            self._proc_gnusparse_00(next, raw_headers)
+         elif pax_headers.get("GNU.sparse.major") == "1" and 
pax_headers.get("GNU.sparse.minor") == "0":
+             # GNU extended sparse format version 1.0.
+@@ -1329,15 +1350,24 @@ class TarInfo(object):
+         return next
+-    def _proc_gnusparse_00(self, next, pax_headers, buf):
++    def _proc_gnusparse_00(self, next, raw_headers):
+         """Process a GNU tar extended sparse header, version 0.0.
+         """
+         offsets = []
+-        for match in re.finditer(br"\d+ GNU.sparse.offset=(\d+)\n", buf):
+-            offsets.append(int(
+         numbytes = []
+-        for match in re.finditer(br"\d+ GNU.sparse.numbytes=(\d+)\n", buf):
+-            numbytes.append(int(
++        for _, keyword, value in raw_headers:
++            if keyword == b"GNU.sparse.offset":
++                try:
++                    offsets.append(int(value.decode()))
++                except ValueError:
++                    raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
++            elif keyword == b"GNU.sparse.numbytes":
++                try:
++                    numbytes.append(int(value.decode()))
++                except ValueError:
++                    raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header")
+         next.sparse = list(zip(offsets, numbytes))
+     def _proc_gnusparse_01(self, next, pax_headers):
+Index: python3/Lib/test/
+--- python3.orig/Lib/test/
++++ python3/Lib/test/
+@@ -1157,6 +1157,48 @@ class PaxReadTest(LongnameTest, ReadTest
+         finally:
+             tar.close()
++    def test_pax_header_bad_formats(self):
++        # The fields from the pax header have priority over the
++        # TarInfo.
++        pax_header_replacements = (
++            b" foo=bar\n",
++            b"0 \n",
++            b"1 \n",
++            b"2 \n",
++            b"3 =\n",
++            b"4 =a\n",
++            b"1000000 foo=bar\n",
++            b"0 foo=bar\n",
++            b"-12 foo=bar\n",
++            b"000000000000000000000000036 foo=bar\n",
++        )
++        pax_headers = {"foo": "bar"}
++        for replacement in pax_header_replacements:
++            with self.subTest(header=replacement):
++                tar =, "w", format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT,
++                                   encoding="iso8859-1")
++                try:
++                    t = tarfile.TarInfo()
++           = "pax"  # non-ASCII
++                    t.uid = 1
++                    t.pax_headers = pax_headers
++                    tar.addfile(t)
++                finally:
++                    tar.close()
++                with open(tmpname, "rb") as f:
++                    data =
++                    self.assertIn(b"11 foo=bar\n", data)
++                    data = data.replace(b"11 foo=bar\n", replacement)
++                with open(tmpname, "wb") as f:
++                    f.truncate()
++                    f.write(data)
++                with self.assertRaisesRegex(tarfile.ReadError, r"method tar: 
ReadError\('invalid header'\)"):
++          , encoding="iso8859-1")
+ class WriteTestBase(TarTest):
+     # Put all write tests in here that are supposed to be tested
+--- /dev/null
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++Remove backtracking from tarfile header parsing for ``hdrcharset``, PAX, and
++GNU sparse headers.
diff -Nru python3.11-3.11.2/debian/patches/series 
--- python3.11-3.11.2/debian/patches/series     2024-08-26 04:20:54.000000000 
+++ python3.11-3.11.2/debian/patches/series     2024-09-14 00:00:30.000000000 
@@ -51,3 +51,5 @@

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Version: 12.8


Each of the updates tracked by these bugs was included in today's 12.8
bookworm point release.



--- End Message ---

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