On 01/11/2024 11:43, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
On 22/10/2024 08:44, Alastair McKinstry wrote:

On 21/10/2024 13:25, Drew Parsons wrote:
All uploads for this transition are now done.
We're waiting for openmpi to be fixed so petsc and reverse dependencies can build.

Build is done for amd64 (and i386).
For that reason I suggest triggering the last binNMUs, for dolfinx-mpc and
fenicsx-performance-tests.  They should be able to (re)build successfully
for amd64 (and i38 now6), and will wait their turn on the other arches.


I've uploaded a version to experimental (5.0.5-4) that fixes the RC bug and preps the libopenmpi40 (cxx issue) transition. It needs more testing (especially the transition)

Can you check the openmpi autopkgtests pass? They are currently failing in unstable, see [1]. Also a test rebuild of rdeps would be nice before ack'ing this.

Any news on this? We need to make progress here in order to untangle many transitions that got stuck due to openmpi.


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