Control: tag -1 moreinfo

On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 03:25:49PM -0400, Boyuan Yang wrote:
> As discussed in , package
> xsane has a Recommends: firefox | www-browser relationship for
> its binary package. As package firefox does not appear in
> Debian Stable or Debian Testing, installing xsane will introduce
> other packages that provides www-browser virtual package, causing
> unexpected consequences.

Is the recommendation firefox, or any browser which complies with
www-browser? It seems odd to recommend any browser and then complain that
it causes unexpected consequences.

That's a different issue than:

> The known side effect is that the default
> Debian Bookworm LXQt installation introduces package hv3 as
> www-browser provider, which is an unmaintained web browser that
> is dangerous if provided as default internet browser. Further details
> are discussed in the Debian bug report 1076101.

Perhaps some thought should be given to whether hv3 belongs in stable if it
is "dangerous" and unmaintained? I don't see any bug reports against it,
although it's been removed from sid and testing already which is never a
good sign.

I don't really have a good idea what you mean by "dangerous" here.

> To avoid further surprises for Debian LXQt users, modifying the
> recommendation to Recommends: firefox-esr | firefox | www-browser
> is a reasonable mitigation. This change is now present in Debian
> Unstable as xsane/0.999-12.1.

As above, I question whether there should be a recommendation on
www-browser at all if that breaks things.

Please remove the moreinfo tag when you respond.


Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

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