Severity: normal
Tags: bullseye
Usertags: pu

(Please provide enough information to help the release team
to judge the request efficiently. E.g. by filling in the
sections below.)

[ Reason ]
(Explain what the reason for the (old-)stable update is. I.e.
what is the bug, when was it introduced, is this a regression
with respect to the previous (old-)stable.)

When we start a container using Docker usually through a systemd service or via 
the command line and user does not handle
the termination of the running container, the containerd-shim process hangs 
during poweroff/reboot sequence. 
==> systemd-shutdown[1]: Waiting for process: 2011 (containerd-shim)
Although this behavior seems normal from my perspective because it forces the 
user to take action and make a graceful shutdown.
The right way to stop the containers gracefully was via the systemd service by 
using ExecStop directive primarily(sends the SIGTERM signal from systemd 
service to docker which in turn sends to containerd that handles the container 
shutdown),  TimeoutStopSec and KillSignal=SIGTERM.

[ Impact ]
(What is the impact for the user if the update isn't approved?)
The containerd-shim process hangs during poweroff/reboot sequence.
systemd-shutdown[1]: Waiting for process: 2011 (containerd-shim)

[ Tests ]
(What automated or manual tests cover the affected code?)
Steps to reproduce:
1. the easiest to reproduce is from the command line # docker pull --platform 
linux/arm64 alpine
2. # docker run -d --name container-test alpine tail -f /dev/null
3. # docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS         
57e1c1658c20   alpine    "tail -f /dev/null"   8 seconds ago   Up 5 seconds     
4. # systemctl reboot

For more details Check here:-

[ Risks ]
(Discussion of the risks involved. E.g. code is trivial or
complex, alternatives available.)
I don't think this could be major risk as this we need to backport from 
upstream containerd repo.
Upstream discussion:
Upstream patch:

[ Checklist ]
  [*] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [*] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [ ] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
  [ ] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable

[ Changes ]
(Explain *all* the changes)
Here I have pushed the changes please have a look and decide whether we need to 
add or not.

[ Other info ]
(Anything else the release team should know.)
Please have a look for the bug created by Siemens.

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