Romain Beauxis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Le mercredi 21 février 2007 12:54, Frank Küster a écrit :
>> To me that looks a bit more complicated than one would like, but still
>> quite manageable, and acceptable for fixing a RC bug in etch.
> Not that I don't see any solution, but I would prefer to correct this 
> situation with the forthcoming 1.9 upgrade directly in the upgrade
> script.

Just that this would leave mediawiki1.7 in etch with that bug.  Up to
now, the release managers have not said they would grant an etch-ignore

One more point to consider is that upgrading only affects people who
have used testing, since sarge didn't have the package.  So a new
debconf question would be shown to people who should be somewhat used to
see english questions.

> All of this is based on my personal assumption that the RC bug is not that 
> important since we took care that the configuration file is never overwrited, 
> and added a README to warn the user, and the fact that I beleive it do not 
> worth to add so much change to the actual package. 

In other words, you fixed the weirdest misbehavior, and you documented
the persisting policy violation[1].

IMHO, it's still worth writing a real patch for this bug; however, I'd
like to have an opinion from the release team first.

Regards, Frank

[1] and in rather poor wording, I think:  It's hard to understand the
README if you don't know the history and just assume that a
configuration file should be in /etc/
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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