Package: Severity: normal Tags: security X-Debbugs-Cc: Control: affects -1 + src:glibc User: Usertags: unblock
Hi, glibc 2.37-18 fixes an import security issue (CVE-2024-2961), and it would be nice to have it in testing asap. It is currently blocked by the proftpd-dfsg autopkgtest, which fails due to the lack of libnsl-dev in the chroot, as this dependency got removed in glibc version 2.37-15.1 as part of the time_t transition. proftpd-dfsg has already been fixed by making it an explicity build-dependency, however this fixed version can't enter testing as it is entangled in the time_t transition. The glibc doesn't break proftpd-dfsg in testing, but basically breaks its buildability and thus its autopkgtest. Do you think it would be possible to allow this glibc version to enter testing by ignoring the result of the proftpd-dfsg autopkgtest? Regards Aurelien