Jurij Smakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I would like to get the new version (1.7.22-4) of ipw3945d into 
> testing.  It contains a fix for #408928, allowing normal operation of 
> the daemon in a situation when user chooses to place /var/run on tmpfs 
> (by creating /var/run/ipw3945d if it does not exists). The package now 
> has been in sid for 10 days and no regressions were reported.


Fachbegriffe der Informatik - Einfach erklärt (175: NT-Admin)
       Turnschuhe, Schweissfüsse. Weiß, wo der Computer angeht und daß man
       Probleme durch Neustart, Neuinstallation oder Neubelegung eines
       4000-DM-Kurses in Unterschleißheim lösen kann. (Anders Henke)

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