Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
Usertags: pu
Control: affects -1 + src:exim4


I would like to push another round of cherry-picked upstream fixes to
bookworm. They have been part of the uploads to sid up to and including

This was mainly triggered by

+ 75_82-GnuTLS-fix-autogen-cert-expiry-date.-Bug-3014.patch: Fix on-demand
  TLS cert expiry date. Closes: #1043233

which borders on RC and

+ 75_79-Fix-recipients-expansion-when-used-within-run.-.-Bug.patch
  (Upstream bug 3013)

which is similar to #1025420.

cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/changelog exim4-4.96/debian/changelog
--- exim4-4.96/debian/changelog	2023-07-02 14:56:17.000000000 +0200
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/changelog	2023-08-16 15:12:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+exim4 (4.96-15+deb12u2) bookworm; urgency=medium
+  * Multiple bugfixes from upstream GIT master:
+    + 75_74-Cancel-early-pipe-on-an-observed-advertising-change.patch
+    + 75_76-Expansions-disallow-UTF-16-surrogates-from-utf8clean.patch
+      (Upstream bug 2998)
+    + 75_77-GnuTLS-fix-crash-with-tls_dhparam-none.patch
+    + 75_78-Fix-free-of-value-after-run.patch
+    + 75_79-Fix-recipients-expansion-when-used-within-run.-.-Bug.patch
+      (Upstream bug 3013)
+    + 75_82-GnuTLS-fix-autogen-cert-expiry-date.-Bug-3014.patch: Fix on-demand
+      TLS cert expiry date. Closes: #1043233
+      (Upstream bug 3014)
+ -- Andreas Metzler <>  Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:12:39 +0200
 exim4 (4.96-15+deb12u1) bookworm; urgency=medium
   * 75_42-Fix-run-arg-parsing.patch (From upstream GIT master, backported by
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_74-Cancel-early-pipe-on-an-observed-advertising-change.patch exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_74-Cancel-early-pipe-on-an-observed-advertising-change.patch
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_74-Cancel-early-pipe-on-an-observed-advertising-change.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_74-Cancel-early-pipe-on-an-observed-advertising-change.patch	2023-08-16 14:59:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 4d108e7777e9b8e5fb212c31812fef61529cd414 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeremy Harris <>
+Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 22:13:46 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Cancel early-pipe on an observed advertising change
+ src/transports/smtp.c | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/transports/smtp.c b/src/transports/smtp.c
+index c72028ce9..24ee577a2 100644
+--- a/src/transports/smtp.c
++++ b/src/transports/smtp.c
+@@ -1111,15 +1111,18 @@ if (pending_EHLO)
+       *( < 0
+ 	? &sx->ehlo_resp.cleartext_features : &sx->ehlo_resp.crypted_features) =
+ 	  peer_offered;
+       *ap = authbits;
+       write_ehlo_cache_entry(sx);
+       }
+     else
++      {
+       invalidate_ehlo_cache_entry(sx);
++      sx->early_pipe_active = FALSE;	/* cancel further early-pipe on this conn */
++      }
+     return OK;		/* just carry on */
+     }
+     /* If we are handling LIMITS, compare the actual EHLO LIMITS values with the
+     cached values and invalidate cache if different.  OK to carry on with
+     connect since values are advisory. */
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_76-Expansions-disallow-UTF-16-surrogates-from-utf8clean.patch exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_76-Expansions-disallow-UTF-16-surrogates-from-utf8clean.patch
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_76-Expansions-disallow-UTF-16-surrogates-from-utf8clean.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_76-Expansions-disallow-UTF-16-surrogates-from-utf8clean.patch	2023-08-16 15:11:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+From 1209e3e19e292cee517e43a2ccfe9b44b33bb1dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jasen Betts <>
+Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:43:59 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Expansions: disallow UTF-16 surrogates from ${utf8clean:...}.
+  Bug 2998
+ doc/ChangeLog |  4 ++++
+ src/expand.c      | 27 +++++++++++++++++----------
+ 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+--- a/src/expand.c
++++ b/src/expand.c
+@@ -7731,11 +7731,11 @@ NOT_ITEM: ;
+ 	case EOP_UTF8CLEAN:
+ 	  {
+ 	  int seq_len = 0, index = 0;
+ 	  int bytes_left = 0;
+-	  long codepoint = -1;
++	  ulong codepoint = (ulong)-1;
+ 	  int complete;
+ 	  uschar seq_buff[4];			/* accumulate utf-8 here */
+ 	  /* Manually track tainting, as we deal in individual chars below */
+@@ -7761,40 +7761,47 @@ NOT_ITEM: ;
+ 		codepoint = (codepoint << 6) | (c & 0x3f);
+ 		seq_buff[index++] = c;
+ 		if (--bytes_left == 0)		/* codepoint complete */
+ 		  if(codepoint > 0x10FFFF)	/* is it too large? */
+ 		    complete = -1;	/* error (RFC3629 limit) */
++		  else if ( (codepoint & 0x1FF800 ) == 0xD800 ) /* surrogate */
++		    /* A UTF-16 surrogate (which should be one of a pair that
++		    encode a Unicode codepoint that is outside the Basic
++		    Multilingual Plane).  Error, not UTF8.
++		    RFC2279.2 is slightly unclear on this, but 
++		    says "Surrogates characters are also invalid in UTF-8:
++		    characters in U+D800—U+DFFF have to be rejected." */
++		    complete = -1;
+ 		  else
+ 		    {		/* finished; output utf-8 sequence */
+ 		    yield = string_catn(yield, seq_buff, seq_len);
+ 		    index = 0;
+ 		    }
+ 		}
+ 	      }
+ 	    else	/* no bytes left: new sequence */
+ 	      {
+-	      if(!(c & 0x80))	/* 1-byte sequence, US-ASCII, keep it */
++	      if (!(c & 0x80))	/* 1-byte sequence, US-ASCII, keep it */
+ 		{
+ 		yield = string_catn(yield, &c, 1);
+ 		continue;
+ 		}
+-	      if((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0)		/* 2-byte sequence */
+-		{
+-		if(c == 0xc0 || c == 0xc1)	/* 0xc0 and 0xc1 are illegal */
++	      if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0)		/* 2-byte sequence */
++		if (c == 0xc0 || c == 0xc1)	/* 0xc0 and 0xc1 are illegal */
+ 		  complete = -1;
+ 		else
+ 		  {
+-		    bytes_left = 1;
+-		    codepoint = c & 0x1f;
++		  bytes_left = 1;
++		  codepoint = c & 0x1f;
+ 		  }
+-		}
+-	      else if((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0)		/* 3-byte sequence */
++	      else if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0)		/* 3-byte sequence */
+ 		{
+ 		bytes_left = 2;
+ 		codepoint = c & 0x0f;
+ 		}
+-	      else if((c & 0xf8) == 0xf0)		/* 4-byte sequence */
++	      else if ((c & 0xf8) == 0xf0)		/* 4-byte sequence */
+ 		{
+ 		bytes_left = 3;
+ 		codepoint = c & 0x07;
+ 		}
+ 	      else	/* invalid or too long (RFC3629 allows only 4 bytes) */
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -69,10 +69,13 @@ JH/28 Bug 2996: Fix a crash in the smtp
+       to close it tried to use an uninitialized variable.  This would afftect
+       high-volume sites more, especially when running mailing-list-style loads.
+       Pollution of logs was the major effect, as the other process delivered
+       the message.  Found and partly investigated by Graeme Fowler.
++JH/31 Bug 2998: Fix ${utf8clean:...} to disallow UTF-16 surrogate codepoints.
++      Found and fixed by Jasen Betts. No testcase for this as my usual text
++      editor insists on emitting only valid UTF-8.
+ Exim version 4.96
+ -----------------
+ JH/01 Move the wait-for-next-tick (needed for unique message IDs) from
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_77-GnuTLS-fix-crash-with-tls_dhparam-none.patch exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_77-GnuTLS-fix-crash-with-tls_dhparam-none.patch
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_77-GnuTLS-fix-crash-with-tls_dhparam-none.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_77-GnuTLS-fix-crash-with-tls_dhparam-none.patch	2023-08-16 15:12:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+From 8e9770348dc4173ab83657ee023c22f479ebb712 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeremy Harris <>
+Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 13:30:40 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] GnuTLS: fix crash with "tls_dhparam = none"
+ doc/ChangeLog         |  4 ++++
+ src/tls-gnu.c             | 16 +++++++++-------
+ test/log/2049                 |  7 +++++++
+ test/scripts/2000-GnuTLS/2049 |  8 ++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -73,10 +73,14 @@ JH/28 Bug 2996: Fix a crash in the smtp
+ JH/31 Bug 2998: Fix ${utf8clean:...} to disallow UTF-16 surrogate codepoints.
+       Found and fixed by Jasen Betts. No testcase for this as my usual text
+       editor insists on emitting only valid UTF-8.
++JH/32 Fix "tls_dhparam = none" under GnuTLS.  At least with 3.7.9 this gave
++      a null-indireciton SIGSEGV for the receive process.
+ Exim version 4.96
+ -----------------
+ JH/01 Move the wait-for-next-tick (needed for unique message IDs) from
+       after reception to before a subsequent reception.  This should
+--- a/src/tls-gnu.c
++++ b/src/tls-gnu.c
+@@ -712,11 +712,11 @@ exist, we generate them. This means that
+ The new file is written as a temporary file and renamed, so that an incomplete
+ file is never present. If two processes both compute some new parameters, you
+ waste a bit of effort, but it doesn't seem worth messing around with locking to
+ prevent this.
+-Returns:     OK/DEFER/FAIL
++Returns:     OK/DEFER (expansion issue)/FAIL (requested none)
+ */
+ static int
+ init_server_dh(uschar ** errstr)
+ {
+@@ -750,11 +750,11 @@ if (!exp_tls_dhparam)
+ else if (Ustrcmp(exp_tls_dhparam, "historic") == 0)
+   use_file_in_spool = TRUE;
+ else if (Ustrcmp(exp_tls_dhparam, "none") == 0)
+   {
+   DEBUG(D_tls) debug_printf("Requested no DH parameters\n");
+-  return OK;
++  return FAIL;
+   }
+ else if (exp_tls_dhparam[0] != '/')
+   {
+   if (!( = US std_dh_prime_named(exp_tls_dhparam)))
+     return tls_error(US"No standard prime named", exp_tls_dhparam, NULL, errstr);
+@@ -1971,27 +1971,29 @@ Arguments:
+ Returns:          OK/DEFER/FAIL
+ */
+ static int
+-tls_set_remaining_x509(exim_gnutls_state_st *state, uschar ** errstr)
++tls_set_remaining_x509(exim_gnutls_state_st * state, uschar ** errstr)
+ {
+-int rc;
+-const host_item *host = state->host;  /* macro should be reconsidered? */
++int rc = OK;
++const host_item * host = state->host;  /* macro should be reconsidered? */
+ /* Create D-H parameters, or read them from the cache file. This function does
+ its own SMTP error messaging. This only happens for the server, TLS D-H ignores
+ client-side params. */
+ if (!state->host)
+   {
+   if (!dh_server_params)
+-    if ((rc = init_server_dh(errstr)) != OK) return rc;
++    if ((rc = init_server_dh(errstr)) == DEFER) return rc;
+   /* Unnecessary & discouraged with 3.6.0 or later, according to docs.  But without it,
+   no DHE- ciphers are advertised. */
+-  gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params(state->lib_state.x509_cred, dh_server_params);
++  if (rc == OK)
++    gnutls_certificate_set_dh_params(state->lib_state.x509_cred, dh_server_params);
+   }
+ /* Link the credentials to the session. */
+ if ((rc = gnutls_credentials_set(state->session,
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_78-Fix-free-of-value-after-run.patch exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_78-Fix-free-of-value-after-run.patch
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_78-Fix-free-of-value-after-run.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_78-Fix-free-of-value-after-run.patch	2023-08-16 14:59:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From cf3fecb9e873df38a9245775a3887e73a8716083 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeremy Harris <>
+Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:34:06 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix free of $value after ${run...}
+ doc/ChangeLog |  3 +++
+ src/expand.c      | 10 ++++++++--
+ test/log/0635         |  7 +++++++
+ test/mail/0635.CALLER | 13 +++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 test/log/0635
+ create mode 100644 test/mail/0635.CALLER
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -81,10 +81,12 @@ JH/31 Bug 2998: Fix ${utf8clean:...} to
+       editor insists on emitting only valid UTF-8.
+ JH/32 Fix "tls_dhparam = none" under GnuTLS.  At least with 3.7.9 this gave
+       a null-indireciton SIGSEGV for the receive process.
++JH/33 Fix free for live variable $value created by a ${run ...} expansion.
++      Although not seen, this could have resulted in a SIGSEGV.
+ Exim version 4.96
+ -----------------
+ JH/01 Move the wait-for-next-tick (needed for unique message IDs) from
+--- a/src/expand.c
++++ b/src/expand.c
+@@ -5535,10 +5535,12 @@ while (*s)
+     case EITEM_RUN:
+       {
+       FILE * f;
+       const uschar * arg, ** argv;
+       BOOL late_expand = TRUE;
++      uschar * save_value = lookup_value;
++      int yesno;
+       if (expand_forbid & RDO_RUN)
+         {
+         expand_string_message = US"running a command is not permitted";
+         goto EXPAND_FAILED;
+@@ -5658,24 +5660,28 @@ while (*s)
+           else
+             expand_string_message = string_sprintf("command killed by signal %d",
+               -runrc);
++	  lookup_value = save_value;
+           goto EXPAND_FAILED;
+           }
+         }
+       /* Process the yes/no strings; $value may be useful in both cases */
+-      switch(process_yesno(
++      yesno = process_yesno(
+                skipping,                     /* were previously skipping */
+                runrc == 0,                   /* success/failure indicator */
+                lookup_value,                 /* value to reset for string2 */
+                &s,                           /* input pointer */
+                &yield,                       /* output pointer */
+                US"run",                      /* condition type */
+-	       &resetok))
++	       &resetok);
++      lookup_value = save_value;
++      switch(yesno)
+         {
+         case 1: goto EXPAND_FAILED;          /* when all is well, the */
+         case 2: goto EXPAND_FAILED_CURLY;    /* returned value is 0 */
+         }
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_79-Fix-recipients-expansion-when-used-within-run.-.-Bug.patch exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_79-Fix-recipients-expansion-when-used-within-run.-.-Bug.patch
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_79-Fix-recipients-expansion-when-used-within-run.-.-Bug.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_79-Fix-recipients-expansion-when-used-within-run.-.-Bug.patch	2023-08-16 14:59:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+From 6707bfa9fb78858de938a1abca2846c820c5ded7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeremy Harris <>
+Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:40:42 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix $recipients expansion when used within ${run...}. 
+ Bug 3013
+Broken-by: cfe6acff2ddc
+ doc/ChangeLog          |  3 +++
+ src/deliver.c              |  2 +-
+ src/expand.c               |  5 ++---
+ src/functions.h            |  2 +-
+ src/macros.h               |  5 +++++
+ src/routers/queryprogram.c |  3 +--
+ src/smtp_in.c              |  4 ++--
+ src/transport.c            | 18 +++++++++---------
+ src/transports/lmtp.c      |  4 ++--
+ src/transports/pipe.c      | 11 ++++++-----
+ src/transports/smtp.c      |  2 +-
+ test/log/0635                  |  2 +-
+ 12 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
+--- a/src/deliver.c
++++ b/src/deliver.c
+@@ -2382,11 +2382,11 @@ if ((pid = exim_fork(US"delivery-local")
+     if (tp->filter_command)
+       {
+       ok = transport_set_up_command(&transport_filter_argv,
+         tp->filter_command,
+-        TRUE, PANIC, addr, FALSE, US"transport filter", NULL);
++        TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS, PANIC, addr, US"transport filter", NULL);
+       transport_filter_timeout = tp->filter_timeout;
+       }
+     else transport_filter_argv = NULL;
+     if (ok)
+--- a/src/expand.c
++++ b/src/expand.c
+@@ -5534,11 +5534,11 @@ while (*s)
+     case EITEM_RUN:
+       {
+       FILE * f;
+       const uschar * arg, ** argv;
+-      BOOL late_expand = TRUE;
+       uschar * save_value = lookup_value;
+       int yesno;
+       if (expand_forbid & RDO_RUN)
+         {
+@@ -5549,11 +5549,11 @@ while (*s)
+       /* Handle options to the "run" */
+       while (*s == ',')
+ 	{
+ 	if (Ustrncmp(++s, "preexpand", 9) == 0)
+-	  { late_expand = FALSE; s += 9; }
++	  { late_expand = 0; s += 9; }
+ 	else
+ 	  {
+ 	  const uschar * t = s;
+ 	  while (isalpha(*++t)) ;
+ 	  expand_string_message = string_sprintf("bad option '%.*s' for run",
+@@ -5608,11 +5608,10 @@ while (*s)
+         if (!transport_set_up_command(&argv,    /* anchor for arg list */
+             arg,                                /* raw command */
+ 	    late_expand,		/* expand args if not already done */
+             0,                          /* not relevant when... */
+             NULL,                       /* no transporting address */
+-	    late_expand,		/* allow tainted args, when expand-after-split */
+             US"${run} expansion",       /* for error messages */
+             &expand_string_message))    /* where to put error message */
+           goto EXPAND_FAILED;
+         /* Create the child process, making it a group leader. */
+--- a/src/functions.h
++++ b/src/functions.h
+@@ -616,11 +616,11 @@ extern BOOL    transport_pass_socket(con
+ 			, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned
+ #endif
+ 			);
+ extern uschar *transport_rcpt_address(address_item *, BOOL);
+ extern BOOL    transport_set_up_command(const uschar ***, const uschar *,
+-		 BOOL, int, address_item *, BOOL, const uschar *, uschar **);
++		 unsigned, int, address_item *, const uschar *, uschar **);
+ extern void    transport_update_waiting(host_item *, uschar *);
+ extern BOOL    transport_write_block(transport_ctx *, uschar *, int, BOOL);
+ extern void    transport_write_reset(int);
+ extern BOOL    transport_write_string(int, const char *, ...);
+ extern BOOL    transport_headers_send(transport_ctx *,
+--- a/src/macros.h
++++ b/src/macros.h
+@@ -1112,6 +1112,11 @@ should not be one active. */
+ #define NOTIFIER_SOCKET_NAME	"exim_daemon_notify"
+ #define NOTIFY_MSG_QRUN		1	/* Notify message types */
++/* Flags for transport_set_up_command() */
++#define TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS       BIT(0)
++#define TSUC_ALLOW_TAINTED_ARGS        BIT(1)
+ /* End of macros.h */
+--- a/src/routers/queryprogram.c
++++ b/src/routers/queryprogram.c
+@@ -286,14 +286,13 @@ if (curr_uid != root_uid && (uid != curr
+ /* Set up the command to run */
+ if (!transport_set_up_command(&argvptr, /* anchor for arg list */
+     ob->command,                        /* raw command */
+-    TRUE,                               /* expand the arguments */
++    TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS,                   /* arguments expanded but must not be tainted */
+     0,                                  /* not relevant when... */
+     NULL,                               /* no transporting address */
+-    FALSE,				/* args must be untainted */
+     US"queryprogram router",            /* for error messages */
+     &addr->message))                    /* where to put error message */
+   return DEFER;
+ /* Create the child process, making it a group leader. */
+--- a/src/smtp_in.c
++++ b/src/smtp_in.c
+@@ -5840,12 +5840,12 @@ while (done <= 0)
+ 	{
+ 	uschar *error;
+ 	BOOL rc;
+ 	etrn_command = smtp_etrn_command;
+ 	deliver_domain = smtp_cmd_data;
+-	rc = transport_set_up_command(&argv, smtp_etrn_command, TRUE, 0, NULL,
+-	  FALSE, US"ETRN processing", &error);
++	rc = transport_set_up_command(&argv, smtp_etrn_command, TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS, 0, NULL,
++	  US"ETRN processing", &error);
+ 	deliver_domain = NULL;
+ 	if (!rc)
+ 	  {
+ 	  log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC, "failed to set up ETRN command: %s",
+ 	    error);
+--- a/src/transport.c
++++ b/src/transport.c
+@@ -2082,34 +2082,34 @@ return FALSE;
+ *          Set up direct (non-shell) command     *
+ *************************************************/
+ /* This function is called when a command line is to be parsed and executed
+ directly, without the use of /bin/sh. It is called by the pipe transport,
+-the queryprogram router, and also from the main delivery code when setting up a
++the queryprogram router, for any ${run } expansion,
++and also from the main delivery code when setting up a
+ transport filter process. The code for ETRN also makes use of this; in that
+ case, no addresses are passed.
+ Arguments:
+   argvptr            pointer to anchor for argv vector
+   cmd                points to the command string (modified IN PLACE)
+-  expand_arguments   true if expansion is to occur
++  flags		     bits for expand-args, allow taint, allow $recipients
+   expand_failed      error value to set if expansion fails; not relevant if
+                      addr == NULL
+   addr               chain of addresses, or NULL
+-  allow_tainted_args as it says; used for ${run}
+   etext              text for use in error messages
+   errptr             where to put error message if addr is NULL;
+                      otherwise it is put in the first address
+ Returns:             TRUE if all went well; otherwise an error will be
+                      set in the first address and FALSE returned
+ */
+ transport_set_up_command(const uschar *** argvptr, const uschar * cmd,
+-  BOOL expand_arguments, int expand_failed, address_item * addr,
+-  BOOL allow_tainted_args, const uschar * etext, uschar ** errptr)
++  unsigned flags, int expand_failed, address_item * addr,
++  const uschar * etext, uschar ** errptr)
+ {
+ const uschar ** argv, * s;
+ int address_count = 0, argcount = 0, max_args;
+ /* Get store in which to build an argument list. Count the number of addresses
+@@ -2180,14 +2180,14 @@ DEBUG(D_transport)
+   debug_printf("direct command:\n");
+   for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
+     debug_printf("  argv[%d] = '%s'\n", i, string_printing(argv[i]));
+   }
+-if (expand_arguments)
++if (flags & TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS)
+   {
+-  BOOL allow_dollar_recipients = addr && addr->parent
+-    && Ustrcmp(addr->parent->address, "system-filter") == 0;
++  BOOL allow_dollar_recipients = (flags & TSUC_ALLOW_RECIPIENTS)
++    || (addr && addr->parent && Ustrcmp(addr->parent->address, "system-filter") == 0);	/*XXX could we check this at caller? */
+   for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++)
+     {
+     DEBUG(D_expand) debug_printf_indent("arg %d\n", i);
+@@ -2370,11 +2370,11 @@ if (expand_arguments)
+ 	{			/* hack, would be good to not need it */
+ 	DEBUG(D_transport)
+ 	  debug_printf("SPECIFIC TESTSUITE EXEMPTION: tainted arg '%s'\n",
+ 		      expanded_arg);
+ 	}
+-      else if (  !allow_tainted_args
++      else if (  !(flags & TSUC_ALLOW_TAINTED_ARGS)
+ 	      && arg_is_tainted(expanded_arg, i, addr, etext, errptr))
+ 	return FALSE;
+       argv[i] = expanded_arg;
+       }
+     }
+--- a/src/transports/lmtp.c
++++ b/src/transports/lmtp.c
+@@ -487,12 +487,12 @@ argument list and expanding the items. *
+ if (ob->cmd)
+   {
+   DEBUG(D_transport) debug_printf("using command %s\n", ob->cmd);
+   sprintf(CS buffer, "%.50s transport", tblock->name);
+-  if (!transport_set_up_command(&argv, ob->cmd, TRUE, PANIC, addrlist, FALSE,
+-	buffer, NULL))
++  if (!transport_set_up_command(&argv, ob->cmd, TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS, PANIC,
++	addrlist, buffer, NULL))
+     return FALSE;
+   /* If the -N option is set, can't do any more. Presume all has gone well. */
+   if (f.dont_deliver)
+     goto MINUS_N;
+--- a/src/transports/pipe.c
++++ b/src/transports/pipe.c
+@@ -289,24 +289,25 @@ Arguments:
+ Returns:             TRUE if all went well; otherwise an error will be
+                      set in the first address and FALSE returned
+ */
+ static BOOL
+-set_up_direct_command(const uschar ***argvptr, uschar *cmd,
+-  BOOL expand_arguments, int expand_fail, address_item *addr, uschar *tname,
+-  pipe_transport_options_block *ob)
++set_up_direct_command(const uschar *** argvptr, uschar * cmd,
++  BOOL expand_arguments, int expand_fail, address_item * addr, uschar * tname,
++  pipe_transport_options_block * ob)
+ {
+ BOOL permitted = FALSE;
+ const uschar **argv;
+ /* Set up "transport <name>" to be put in any error messages, and then
+ call the common function for creating an argument list and expanding
+ the items if necessary. If it fails, this function fails (error information
+ is in the addresses). */
+-if (!transport_set_up_command(argvptr, cmd, expand_arguments, expand_fail,
+-      addr, FALSE, string_sprintf("%.50s transport", tname), NULL))
++if (!transport_set_up_command(argvptr, cmd,
++      expand_arguments ? TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS : 0,
++      expand_fail, addr, string_sprintf("%.50s transport", tname), NULL))
+   return FALSE;
+ /* Point to the set-up arguments. */
+ argv = *argvptr;
+--- a/src/transports/smtp.c
++++ b/src/transports/smtp.c
+@@ -3803,11 +3803,11 @@ if (tblock->filter_command)
+   /* On failure, copy the error to all addresses, abandon the SMTP call, and
+   yield ERROR. */
+   if (!transport_set_up_command(&transport_filter_argv,
+-	tblock->filter_command, TRUE, DEFER, addrlist, FALSE,
++	tblock->filter_command, TSUC_EXPAND_ARGS, DEFER, addrlist,
+ 	string_sprintf("%.50s transport filter", tblock->name), NULL))
+     {
+     set_errno_nohost(addrlist->next, addrlist->basic_errno, addrlist->message, DEFER,
+       FALSE, &sx->delivery_start);
+     yield = ERROR;
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -84,10 +84,13 @@ JH/32 Fix "tls_dhparam = none" under Gnu
+       a null-indireciton SIGSEGV for the receive process.
+ JH/33 Fix free for live variable $value created by a ${run ...} expansion.
+       Although not seen, this could have resulted in a SIGSEGV.
++JH/34 Bug 3013: Fix use of $recipients within arguments for ${run...}.
++      In 4.96 this would expand to empty.
+ Exim version 4.96
+ -----------------
+ JH/01 Move the wait-for-next-tick (needed for unique message IDs) from
+       after reception to before a subsequent reception.  This should
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_82-GnuTLS-fix-autogen-cert-expiry-date.-Bug-3014.patch exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_82-GnuTLS-fix-autogen-cert-expiry-date.-Bug-3014.patch
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_82-GnuTLS-fix-autogen-cert-expiry-date.-Bug-3014.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/75_82-GnuTLS-fix-autogen-cert-expiry-date.-Bug-3014.patch	2023-08-16 14:59:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From 36bc854c86908ee921225c1d30e35c4d59eed822 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andreas Metzler <>
+Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 17:27:16 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] GnuTLS: fix autogen cert expiry date.  Bug 3014
+Broken-by: 48e9099006
+ doc/ChangeLog | 3 +++
+ src/tls-gnu.c     | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+--- a/doc/ChangeLog
++++ b/doc/ChangeLog
+@@ -87,10 +87,13 @@ JH/33 Fix free for live variable $value
+       Although not seen, this could have resulted in a SIGSEGV.
+ JH/34 Bug 3013: Fix use of $recipients within arguments for ${run...}.
+       In 4.96 this would expand to empty.
++JH/35 Bug 3014: GnuTLS: fix expiry date for an auto-generated server
++      certificate.  Find and fix by Andreas Metzler.
+ Exim version 4.96
+ -----------------
+ JH/01 Move the wait-for-next-tick (needed for unique message IDs) from
+       after reception to before a subsequent reception.  This should
+--- a/src/tls-gnu.c
++++ b/src/tls-gnu.c
+@@ -1001,11 +1001,11 @@ if ((rc = gnutls_x509_privkey_generate(p
+ where = US"configuring cert";
+ now = 1;
+ if (  (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_version(cert, 3))
+    || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial(cert, &now, sizeof(now)))
+    || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_activation_time(cert, now = time(NULL)))
+-   || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time(cert, (long)2 * 60 * 60))	/* 2 hour */
++   || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time(cert, now + (long)2 * 60 * 60))	/* 2 hour */
+    || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_key(cert, pkey))
+    || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn_by_oid(cert,
+ 	      GNUTLS_OID_X520_COUNTRY_NAME, 0, "UK", 2))
+    || (rc = gnutls_x509_crt_set_dn_by_oid(cert,
diff -Nru exim4-4.96/debian/patches/series exim4-4.96/debian/patches/series
--- exim4-4.96/debian/patches/series	2023-07-02 14:54:58.000000000 +0200
+++ exim4-4.96/debian/patches/series	2023-08-16 15:10:05.000000000 +0200
@@ -33,4 +33,10 @@

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