Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package onetbb

(Please provide enough (but not too much) information to help
the release team to judge the request efficiently. E.g. by
filling in the sections below.)

[ Reason ]
For smooth upgrades from bullseye we need to make some transitive
conflicts explicit s.t. apt has better chances of finding the perfect
upgrade path.

[ Impact ]
Bad upgrade experience: partially incomplete upgrades.

[ Tests ]
Various piuparts upgrade scenarios tested locally
(testing all packages that (transitively) depend/recommend libtbb2 in bullseye)
Together with similar Breaks added in other packages upgrades look much
better now ;-)

[ Risks ]
Low. Only affects packages in bullseye and not in bookworm, i.e. that
should get removed on upgrades anyway.

[ Checklist ]
  [x] all changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [x] attach debdiff against the package in testing

[ Other info ]
The libraries removed from the .symbols file have been moved to a
separate package long ago, so the symbols were only cruft.

unblock onetbb/2021.8.0-2

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 7aa18445..3adae56e 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+onetbb (2021.8.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * libtbb12: Add explicit Breaks against libtbb2 for smoother upgrades from
+    bullseye. The the existing transitive Breaks via libtbbmalloc2 is not
+    sufficient for all upgrade paths.  (Closes: #1036073)
+  * Drop duplicate symbols.
+ -- Andreas Beckmann <>  Tue, 16 May 2023 12:23:01 +0200
 onetbb (2021.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version 2021.8.0
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 81ee5679..9f5dbeb1 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ Depends: libtbbmalloc2 (= ${binary:Version}),
 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
+ libtbb2 (<< 2021),
 Description: parallelism library for C++ - runtime files
  TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor
  performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a
diff --git a/debian/libtbb12.symbols.amd64 b/debian/libtbb12.symbols.amd64
index 45ef0404..6cc620f6 100644
--- a/debian/libtbb12.symbols.amd64
+++ b/debian/libtbb12.symbols.amd64
@@ -98,61 +98,3 @@ libtbb12 #MINVER#
  _ZTVN3tbb6detail2r110user_abortE@Base 2021.4.0
  _ZTVN3tbb6detail2r112missing_waitE@Base 2021.4.0
  _ZTVN3tbb6detail2r114bad_last_allocE@Base 2021.4.0 libtbb12 #MINVER#
- MallocInitializeITT@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml10pool_msizeEPNS_10MemoryPoolEPv@Base 2019~U4
- _ZN3rml10pool_resetEPNS_10MemoryPoolE@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml11pool_createElPKNS_13MemPoolPolicyE@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml11pool_mallocEPNS_10MemoryPoolEm@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml12pool_destroyEPNS_10MemoryPoolE@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml12pool_reallocEPNS_10MemoryPoolEPvm@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml13pool_identifyEPv@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml14pool_create_v1ElPKNS_13MemPoolPolicyEPPNS_10MemoryPoolE@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml19pool_aligned_mallocEPNS_10MemoryPoolEmm@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml20pool_aligned_reallocEPNS_10MemoryPoolEPvmm@Base 2017~U7
- _ZN3rml9pool_freeEPNS_10MemoryPoolEPv@Base 2017~U7
- __TBB_malloc_safer_aligned_msize@Base 2017~U7
- __TBB_malloc_safer_aligned_realloc@Base 2017~U7
- __TBB_malloc_safer_free@Base 2017~U7
- __TBB_malloc_safer_msize@Base 2017~U7
- __TBB_malloc_safer_realloc@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_aligned_free@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_aligned_malloc@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_aligned_realloc@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_allocation_command@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_allocation_mode@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_calloc@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_free@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_malloc@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_msize@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_posix_memalign@Base 2017~U7
- scalable_realloc@Base 2017~U7 libtbb12 #MINVER#
- _ZdaPv@Base 2017~U7
- _ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t@Base 2017~U7
- _ZdlPv@Base 2017~U7
- _ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t@Base 2017~U7
- _Znam@Base 2017~U7
- _ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t@Base 2017~U7
- _Znwm@Base 2017~U7
- _ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t@Base 2017~U7
- __TBB_malloc_proxy@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_calloc@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_free@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_malloc@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_memalign@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_pvalloc@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_realloc@Base 2017~U7
- __libc_valloc@Base 2017~U7
- aligned_alloc@Base 2017~U7
- calloc@Base 2017~U7
- free@Base 2017~U7
- mallinfo@Base 2017~U7
- malloc@Base 2017~U7
- malloc_usable_size@Base 2017~U7
- mallopt@Base 2017~U7
- memalign@Base 2017~U7
- posix_memalign@Base 2017~U7
- pvalloc@Base 2017~U7
- realloc@Base 2017~U7
- valloc@Base 2017~U7

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