Am Donnerstag, dem 16.02.2023 um 08:41 +0100 schrieb Paul Gevers:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Control: severity -1 normal
> Hi Daniel,
> On 16-02-2023 01:11, Daniel Leidert wrote:
> > I ask you to
> > find a reasonable approach to deal with this for the Bookworm
> > release.
> That's not how we normally work. Please come with concrete proposals and 
> we can evaluate them.

Hi Paul. That is the release team's job. Your team should be on top of
that situation and control that. There is already a freeze in process.
You made that very clear. New transitions are not allowed. The date has
passed that re-introductions into Testing are not allowed anymore. And
people break other packages just like that? It is my expectation that
your team evaluates the situation together with the maintainer of
tzdata now, and then comes to a conclusion and a decision, how this
should be handled. codesearch.d.o proves that multiple packages use
code that relies on the existence of /etc/timezone. So, its removal
should have been handled in a coordinated way in the first place.
Either the maintainer of tzdata does a mass-bug filing, or this change
should be reverted.

I have already spent two dozen unpaid hours of tracking down and
handling breakages introduced since February 7th(!!) by fellow DDs. I
spent multiple dozen hours of bug-fixing and uploading since the new
year started, to make sure users will get the software they expect in
Bookworm, also unpaid of course. And now I have to evaluate the impact
of the change in tzdata as well and create proposals? No. I'm not the
tzdata maintainer and I'm not a member of the release team. It is your
job to handle transitions.

And I suggest that you finally do your job and make sure that people
stop uploading breaking changes, so the work for Bookworm gets less and
not constantly more.


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