Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock
Control: affects -1 + src:dpkg


Please pre-approve the dpkg 1.21.20 upload.

[ Reason ]

This dpkg release includes the translation updates for the recent Call
for Translations, a few test suite fixes to make them pass again due
to these translations and a recent cppcheck upload in unstable. A typo
fix in the man pages. Updates to the lintian overrides. And fixes a
typo in the Build-Depends that made the version too low.

[ Impact ]

These would give better translation coverage, the rest are not
relevant to the final user, but can affect CI systems and downstream
users, as they are build/test system fixes.

[ Tests ]

The various test suite fixes are due to the test suite failing now.
The Build-Depends fix should be self-evident and would otherwise make
the build fail. The new translations pass the tests too.

[ Risks ]

These all seem like very low risk changes to me.

[ Checklist ]

  [√] all changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [√] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [√] attach debdiff against the package in testing

[ Other info ]

Actually, I've only attached the filtered debdiff, and not the unfiltered
one here, as due to the translations it seems a bit big, and I'm afraid
it might make the mail not get through. It can be found at:

That debdiff is unfiltered, you might want to filterdiff with, which
should give the same result as the attached one:

  xzcat dpkg-1.21.19-1.21.20.debdiff.xz |
    filterdiff --exclude '*.po' --exclude '*.pot' \
               --exclude '*/man/*/*.pod' \
               --exclude '*/testsuite' --exclude '*/at/*.m4' \
               --exclude '*/configure'

Alternatively I've pushed all except for the usual update-po and
actual release commit and tag to:

unblock dpkg/1.21.20


Attachment: dpkg-1.21.19-1.21.20.debdiff-filtered.xz
Description: application/xz

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