Severity: normal
Tags: bullseye
Usertags: pu
X-Debbugs-Cc: Gert Wollny <>

(CC'ing Gert Wollny <> as maintainer of virglrenderer so he is 

[ Reason ]

I'm currently preparing a security update for virglrenderer for LTS
and figured out that there is one of the fixed CVEs is not adressed in bullseye

The CVE fixed is CVE-2022-0135: (#1009073)

To have this CVE also fixed in bullseye, I'm asking for permission to upload a
targeted fix for the next stable point release.

The changes are on this branch:
namely adding this patch:

[ Impact ]
The description of CVE-2022-0135 is:
 An out-of-bounds write issue was found in the VirGL virtual OpenGL renderer
 (virglrenderer). This flaw allows a malicious guest to create a specially
 crafted virgil resource and then issue a VIRTGPU_EXECBUFFER ioctl, leading to a
 denial of service or possible code execution.

[ Tests ]

Upstream provides a unit-text which covers this CVE.

[ Risks ]

The patch is taken from upstream:

[ Checklist ]
  [x] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [x] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
  [x] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable

diff -Nru virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/changelog 
--- virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/changelog        2020-12-07 13:38:41.000000000 
+++ virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/changelog        2022-12-07 17:24:59.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+virglrenderer (0.8.2-5+deb11u1) bullseye; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the LTS Security Team.
+  * Cherry-pick upstream fix for CVE-2022-0135. (Closes: #1009073)
+ -- Tobias Frost <>  Wed, 07 Dec 2022 17:24:59 +0100
 virglrenderer (0.8.2-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Christian Ehrhardt ]
diff -Nru virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/patches/CVE-2022-0135.patch 
--- virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/patches/CVE-2022-0135.patch      1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/patches/CVE-2022-0135.patch      2022-12-07 
17:24:59.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Description: CVE-2022-0135
+ An out-of-bounds write issue was found in the VirGL virtual OpenGL
+ renderer (virglrenderer). This flaw allows a malicious guest to create a
+ specially crafted virgil resource and then issue a VIRTGPU_EXECBUFFER ioctl,
+ leading to a denial of service or possible code execution.  
+Last-Update: 2022-12-05 <YYYY-MM-DD, last update of the meta-information, 
+This patch header follows DEP-3:
+--- a/src/vrend_renderer.c
++++ b/src/vrend_renderer.c
+@@ -7097,8 +7097,11 @@
+                                           info->box->height) * elsize;
+       if (res->target == GL_TEXTURE_3D ||
+           res->target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY ||
++          res->target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY ||
+           res->target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY)
+           send_size *= info->box->depth;
++      else if (need_temp && info->box->depth != 1)
++         return EINVAL;
+       if (need_temp) {
+          data = malloc(send_size);
+--- a/tests/test_fuzzer_formats.c
++++ b/tests/test_fuzzer_formats.c
+@@ -958,6 +958,48 @@
+     virgl_renderer_submit_cmd((void *) cmd, ctx_id, 0xde);
+ }
++/* Test adapted from
++ *
++static void test_vrend_3d_resource_overflow() {
++    struct virgl_renderer_resource_create_args resource;
++    resource.handle = 0x4c474572;
++    resource.format = VIRGL_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM;
++    resource.nr_samples = 2;
++    resource.last_level = 0;
++    resource.array_size = 3;
++    resource.bind = VIRGL_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;
++    resource.depth = 1;
++    resource.width = 8;
++    resource.height = 4;
++    resource.flags = 0;
++    virgl_renderer_resource_create(&resource, NULL, 0);
++    virgl_renderer_ctx_attach_resource(ctx_id, resource.handle);
++    uint32_t size = 0x400;
++    uint32_t cmd[size];
++    int i = 0;
++    cmd[i++] = (size - 1) << 16 | 0 << 8 | VIRGL_CCMD_RESOURCE_INLINE_WRITE;
++    cmd[i++] = resource.handle;
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // level
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // usage
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // stride
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // layer_stride
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // x
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // y
++    cmd[i++] = 0; // z
++    cmd[i++] = 8; // w
++    cmd[i++] = 4; // h
++    cmd[i++] = 3; // d
++    memset(&cmd[i], 0, size - i);
++    virgl_renderer_submit_cmd((void *) cmd, ctx_id, size);
+ int main()
+ {
+    initialize_environment();
+@@ -980,6 +1022,7 @@
+    test_cs_nullpointer_deference();
+    test_vrend_set_signle_abo_heap_overflow();
++   test_vrend_3d_resource_overflow();
+    virgl_renderer_context_destroy(ctx_id);
+    virgl_renderer_cleanup(&cookie);
diff -Nru virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/patches/series 
--- virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/patches/series   1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ virglrenderer-0.8.2/debian/patches/series   2022-12-07 17:24:59.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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