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On Sun, 2022-07-10 at 17:19 +0100, Jeremy Sowden wrote:
> The related xtables-addons bug is:
> [ Reason ]
> xtables-addons-dkms and xtables-addons-source contain sources for
> building
> kernel modules with DKMS and module-assistant, respectively.  The
> 5.10.0-16
> kernel introduced in the 11.4 point release included a patch back-
> ported from
> 5.11 to 5.10.121:

The metadata of #1014680 implies that it affects the package in
unstable and is not yet fixed there - is that correct? If so, then the
fix needs to happen in unstable first; if not, please add an
appropriate fixed version to make the situation clearer.



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