On 2022-06-05 19:42:43 [+0200], Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> Hi Sebastian
Hi Sebastian,

> > Otherwise I'd fear that the only other options are openssl breaking
> > libssl1.1 or renaming /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf to have a version specific
> > name. Given the high number reverse dependencies involved in this
> > transition (and also those depending on bin:openssl), I'd prefer to
> > avoid a Breaks that could have the potential to force the libssl1.1 ->
> > libssl3 upgrade to be more of a lockstep transition than needed.
> I see that there was another openssl upload. Any reason a fix for this
> issue wasn't included in the upload of 3.0.3-6?

I wasn't aware that this is something that we want do. Kurt pointed me
to the testsuite problem which was the primary motivation for the
Regarding dovecot, Kurt wanted to make some time for it. The patch in
ubuntu is working but is a giant duct tape which is not something I
would wan to upload…
Anyway, regarding the openssl.cnf. Do we want to use openssl-3.cnf for
libssl3? We can't make opnenssl-1.1.cnf happen. The modification
openssl.cnf already happend so people need to make changes manually…
Is this the request here?

> Cheers


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