Severity: normal
Tags: bullseye
Usertags: pu

Hi Stable release managers,

libxml2 in bullseye is affected by CVE-2022-23308, which can result in
denial of service, or potentially though the execution of arbitrary
code if a malformed xml file is processed. But given the near timeline
for the point release, I think we could additionally benefit from
autopkgtest runs. So I'm proposing to upload the fix via the upcoming
point release.

I verified the fix agains the POC from .

Full debdiff is attached.

diff -Nru libxml2-2.9.10+dfsg/debian/changelog 
--- libxml2-2.9.10+dfsg/debian/changelog        2021-05-22 08:21:29.000000000 
+++ libxml2-2.9.10+dfsg/debian/changelog        2022-03-17 21:52:53.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+libxml2 (2.9.10+dfsg-6.7+deb11u1) bullseye; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Use-after-free of ID and IDREF attributes (CVE-2022-23308)
+    (Closes: #1006489)
+ -- Salvatore Bonaccorso <>  Thu, 17 Mar 2022 21:52:53 +0100
 libxml2 (2.9.10+dfsg-6.7) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nru 
       1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
       2022-03-17 21:52:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+From: Nick Wellnhofer <>
+Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022 03:29:24 +0100
+Subject: [CVE-2022-23308] Use-after-free of ID and IDREF attributes
+If a document is parsed with XML_PARSE_DTDVALID and without
+XML_PARSE_NOENT, the value of ID attributes has to be normalized after
+potentially expanding entities in xmlRemoveID. Otherwise, later calls
+to xmlGetID can return a pointer to previously freed memory.
+ID attributes which are empty or contain only whitespace after
+entity expansion are affected in a similar way. This is fixed by
+not storing such attributes in the ID table.
+The test to detect streaming mode when validating against a DTD was
+broken. In connection with the defects above, this could result in a
+use-after-free when using the xmlReader interface with validation.
+Fix detection of streaming mode to avoid similar issues. (This changes
+the expected result of a test case. But as far as I can tell, using the
+XML reader with XIncludes referencing the root document never worked
+properly, anyway.)
+All of these issues can result in denial of service. Using xmlReader
+with validation could result in disclosure of memory via the error
+channel, typically stderr. The security impact of xmlGetID returning
+a pointer to freed memory depends on the application. The typical use
+case of calling xmlGetID on an unmodified document is not affected.
+ result/XInclude/ns1.xml.rdr |  2 +-
+ valid.c                     | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
+ 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
+--- a/valid.c
++++ b/valid.c
+@@ -479,6 +479,35 @@ nodeVPop(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt)
+     return (ret);
+ }
++ * xmlValidNormalizeString:
++ * @str: a string
++ *
++ * Normalize a string in-place.
++ */
++static void
++xmlValidNormalizeString(xmlChar *str) {
++    xmlChar *dst;
++    const xmlChar *src;
++    if (str == NULL)
++        return;
++    src = str;
++    dst = str;
++    while (*src == 0x20) src++;
++    while (*src != 0) {
++      if (*src == 0x20) {
++          while (*src == 0x20) src++;
++          if (*src != 0)
++              *dst++ = 0x20;
++      } else {
++          *dst++ = *src++;
++      }
++    }
++    *dst = 0;
+ static void
+ xmlValidPrintNode(xmlNodePtr cur) {
+@@ -2607,6 +2636,24 @@ xmlDumpNotationTable(xmlBufferPtr buf, x
+           (xmlDictOwns(dict, (const xmlChar *)(str)) == 0)))  \
+           xmlFree((char *)(str));
++static int
++xmlIsStreaming(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt) {
++    xmlParserCtxtPtr pctxt;
++    if (ctxt == NULL)
++        return(0);
++    /*
++     * These magic values are also abused to detect whether we're validating
++     * while parsing a document. In this case, userData points to the parser
++     * context.
++     */
++    if ((ctxt->finishDtd != XML_CTXT_FINISH_DTD_0) &&
++        (ctxt->finishDtd != XML_CTXT_FINISH_DTD_1))
++        return(0);
++    pctxt = ctxt->userData;
++    return(pctxt->parseMode == XML_PARSE_READER);
+ /**
+  * xmlFreeID:
+  * @not:  A id
+@@ -2650,7 +2697,7 @@ xmlAddID(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr
+     if (doc == NULL) {
+       return(NULL);
+     }
+-    if (value == NULL) {
++    if ((value == NULL) || (value[0] == 0)) {
+       return(NULL);
+     }
+     if (attr == NULL) {
+@@ -2681,7 +2728,7 @@ xmlAddID(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr
+      */
+     ret->value = xmlStrdup(value);
+     ret->doc = doc;
+-    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->vstateNr != 0)) {
++    if (xmlIsStreaming(ctxt)) {
+       /*
+        * Operating in streaming mode, attr is gonna disappear
+        */
+@@ -2820,6 +2867,7 @@ xmlRemoveID(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlAttrPtr at
+     ID = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, attr->children, 1);
+     if (ID == NULL)
+         return(-1);
++    xmlValidNormalizeString(ID);
+     id = xmlHashLookup(table, ID);
+     if (id == NULL || id->attr != attr) {
+@@ -3009,7 +3057,7 @@ xmlAddRef(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPt
+      * fill the structure.
+      */
+     ret->value = xmlStrdup(value);
+-    if ((ctxt != NULL) && (ctxt->vstateNr != 0)) {
++    if (xmlIsStreaming(ctxt)) {
+       /*
+        * Operating in streaming mode, attr is gonna disappear
+        */
+@@ -4028,8 +4076,7 @@ xmlValidateAttributeValue2(xmlValidCtxtP
+ xmlChar *
+ xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlDocPtr doc,
+            xmlNodePtr elem, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *value) {
+-    xmlChar *ret, *dst;
+-    const xmlChar *src;
++    xmlChar *ret;
+     xmlAttributePtr attrDecl = NULL;
+     int extsubset = 0;
+@@ -4070,19 +4117,7 @@ xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlV
+     ret = xmlStrdup(value);
+     if (ret == NULL)
+       return(NULL);
+-    src = value;
+-    dst = ret;
+-    while (*src == 0x20) src++;
+-    while (*src != 0) {
+-      if (*src == 0x20) {
+-          while (*src == 0x20) src++;
+-          if (*src != 0)
+-              *dst++ = 0x20;
+-      } else {
+-          *dst++ = *src++;
+-      }
+-    }
+-    *dst = 0;
++    xmlValidNormalizeString(ret);
+     if ((doc->standalone) && (extsubset == 1) && (!xmlStrEqual(value, ret))) {
+       xmlErrValidNode(ctxt, elem, XML_DTD_NOT_STANDALONE,
+ "standalone: %s on %s value had to be normalized based on external subset 
+@@ -4114,8 +4149,7 @@ xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlV
+ xmlChar *
+ xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr elem,
+                               const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *value) {
+-    xmlChar *ret, *dst;
+-    const xmlChar *src;
++    xmlChar *ret;
+     xmlAttributePtr attrDecl = NULL;
+     if (doc == NULL) return(NULL);
+@@ -4145,19 +4179,7 @@ xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue(xmlDocPt
+     ret = xmlStrdup(value);
+     if (ret == NULL)
+       return(NULL);
+-    src = value;
+-    dst = ret;
+-    while (*src == 0x20) src++;
+-    while (*src != 0) {
+-      if (*src == 0x20) {
+-          while (*src == 0x20) src++;
+-          if (*src != 0)
+-              *dst++ = 0x20;
+-      } else {
+-          *dst++ = *src++;
+-      }
+-    }
+-    *dst = 0;
++    xmlValidNormalizeString(ret);
+     return(ret);
+ }
diff -Nru libxml2-2.9.10+dfsg/debian/patches/series 
--- libxml2-2.9.10+dfsg/debian/patches/series   2021-05-22 08:21:29.000000000 
+++ libxml2-2.9.10+dfsg/debian/patches/series   2022-03-17 21:52:53.000000000 
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@

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