Hi Graham,

On 12/2/21 2:48 AM, Graham Inggs wrote:
I've already added hints marking r-bioc-biocparallel/1.28.2-2 urgent
and gffread/0.12.1-4 as a bad test, so please do let us know if there
are others.
Yes, I could spot some more.

Please set these to ignore, or Let me know if I should rather workaround to do 
new uploads with versioned deps. :-

* r-bioc-rsamtools -- blocked due to biocparallel in testing
* r-bioc-biobase -- blocked due to r-bioc-multiassayexperiment in testing
* r-bioc-bluster -- blocked due to r-bioc-scran in testing
* r-bioc-genomicranges -- blocked due to r-bioc-multiassayexperiment in testing
* r-bioc-iranges -- blocked due to r-bioc-multiassayexperiment in testing
* r-bioc-rhdf5lib -- blocked due to r-bioc-rhdf5 in testing
* r-bioc-rhdf5filters -- blocked due to r-bioc-rhdf5 in testing
* r-bioc-s4vectors -- blocked due to r-bioc-multiassayexperiment in testing
* r-bioc-summarizedexperiment -- blocked due to r-bioc-multiassayexperiment in 

Please push urgency for these (just uploaded) :-

* r-bioc-scuttle version 1.4.0+dfsg-2


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