I think since #997664 was a preexisting problem (it's already in testing), leave it for now so as not to delay the transition of the other packages. Can clear up the sundials ABI afterwards in a separate transition.

(separately, xsimd also needs to pass for this transition, unless we decide to temporarily deactive xsimd support in xtensor, basix, dolfinx)


On 2021-10-26 08:56, Anton Gladky wrote:
OK, I will upload it into unstable very soon. What abou #997664?
The package should go to NEW actually. Or leave it as it is for the moment?
Am Mo., 25. Okt. 2021 um 21:15 Uhr schrieb Drew Parsons <dpars...@debian.org>:

The sundials 5.8.0 test build in experimental looks successful.
Probably not worth waiting for the mipsel build, it's been slow to
build, especially for experimental.

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