Hi Thomas,

On Sun, Aug 22, 2021 at 6:55 PM Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Damir, Sergei, the release team,
> First of all, thanks for your bug report, Damir.
> Debian Bullseye was released on the 14th of Aug. Then Erlang v24 was
> uploaded on the 17th. Looking at:
> https://release.debian.org/transitions/
> I cannot see any transition thingy opened for Erlang. This means that
> Erlang was carelessly uploaded to Unstable:

Uploading new major version of Erlang does not require a transition.
No application needs to be rebuilt against it, and only a minority
breaks (those which use removed deprecated features, and they have to
be updated or patched anyway). I'm sorry that elixir and rabbit-mq

> 1/ Without informing the release team, and defining a schedule for the
> Erlang transition

I insist that a transition is not necessary.

> 2/ Without rebuilding any reverse dependency, and more specifically,
> without caring about RabbitMQ which is kind of a high profile server
> application.
> Now, we have Erlang v24 in Unstable which looks like a good target for
> RabbitMQ 3.9.4, however, this new version needs a new Elixir release, as
> it has a bound of ">= 1.10.4 and < 1.13.0". Elixir as in unstable (ie:
> 1.10.3) doesn't work, even when trying to convince RabbitMQ it's ok.

Well, I would say that Elixir in Debian is not in a good shape. It
lags way behind upstream (which is already 1.12.2, quite a few
releases ahead).

> There isn't much I can do now. I'm opening a bug against Elixir, and
> I'll have to wait for it to be solved...
> This isn't the first time something like this happen. Could we please
> bring some sanity in the way we do things? Sergei, could you please
> revert your upload of Erlang v24 in Unstable, and open a release team
> bug to get a transition tracker thingy, which is the only sane way to do
> things in Debian?
> Not amused...

I've uploaded Erlang 24 to experimental months ago. If you know that
your software breaks on Erlang upgrade, you could do something

Sergei Golovan

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