Your message dated Fri, 6 Aug 2021 08:32:20 +0200
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#991831: unblock: mat2/0.12.1-3
has caused the Debian Bug report #991831,
regarding unblock: mat2/0.12.1-3
to be marked as done.

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Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Dear release team,

Please unblock mat2 0.12.1-3.

It ships improved support of XLSX files and a fix adressing problems if
printing cleaned PDF files.

It's a key package, as doxygen build-depends on it, but so far regressions
haven't been reported, and autopkgtest looks good as well.

Histogramm of the diff:

~ debdiff mat2_0.12.1-2.dsc mat2_0.12.1-3.dsc | diffstat

 changelog                                            |   12 ++++
 patches/0001-improve-support-for-xlsx-files.patch    |   28 +++++++++--
 patches/0002-fix-printing-of-cleaned-pdf-files.patch |   48 +++++++++++++++++++
 patches/series                                       |    1 
 4 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Please find the full debdiff attached.

unblock mat2/0.12.1-3

Thanks for your work,
diff -Nru mat2-0.12.1/debian/changelog mat2-0.12.1/debian/changelog
--- mat2-0.12.1/debian/changelog	2021-05-24 15:01:29.000000000 +0000
+++ mat2-0.12.1/debian/changelog	2021-07-29 16:21:06.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+mat2 (0.12.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * debian/patches:
+    - Pull in upstream patch to improve support of OpenXML (xlsx) files.
+      This patch extends the one introduced in the previous upload, 0.12.1-2.
+      This approach is chosen to limit the diff, as both patches target the
+      same area of the source code.
+    - Pull in upstream patch to fix issues if printing cleaned Portable
+      Document Format (pdf) files.
+ -- Georg Faerber <>  Thu, 29 Jul 2021 16:21:06 +0000
 mat2 (0.12.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * debian/patches:
diff -Nru mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0001-improve-support-for-xlsx-files.patch mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0001-improve-support-for-xlsx-files.patch
--- mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0001-improve-support-for-xlsx-files.patch	2021-05-24 15:01:29.000000000 +0000
+++ mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0001-improve-support-for-xlsx-files.patch	2021-07-29 16:21:06.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,37 @@
 Description: Improve support of Open XML (xlsx) files
 Origin: upstream
-Applied-Upstream: bf0c777cb9159e220f636b0c019fe4957e4fea75
+Applied-Upstream: bf0c777cb9159e220f636b0c019fe4957e4fea75, 0b094b594bd1db017ed3d063a10714f6b2a7b9f3
 Reviewed-by: Georg Faerber <>
-Last-Update: 2021-05-24
+Last-Update: 2021-07-29
 This patch header follows DEP-3:
 Index: mat2/libmat2/
---- mat2.orig/libmat2/	2021-05-19 11:26:06.093187321 +0000
-+++ mat2/libmat2/	2021-05-24 14:44:33.698488246 +0000
-@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
+--- mat2.orig/libmat2/	2021-07-29 15:56:40.307190532 +0000
++++ mat2/libmat2/	2021-07-29 15:58:33.200905419 +0000
+@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
+             r'^\[Content_Types\]\.xml$',
+             r'^_rels/\.rels$',
+             r'^xl/sharedStrings\.xml$',  #
++            r'^xl/calcChain\.xml$',
+             r'^(?:word|ppt|xl)/_rels/document\.xml\.rels$',
+             r'^(?:word|ppt|xl)/_rels/footer[0-9]*\.xml\.rels$',
+             r'^(?:word|ppt|xl)/_rels/header[0-9]*\.xml\.rels$',
+@@ -107,6 +108,9 @@
              # TODO: check if p:bgRef can be randomized
 +            r'^xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet[0-9]+\.xml\.rels',
++            r'^xl/drawings/vmlDrawing[0-9]+\.vml',
++            r'^xl/drawings/drawing[0-9]+\.xml',
          self.files_to_omit = set(map(re.compile, {  # type: ignore
+@@ -123,6 +127,7 @@
+             # Additional presentation-wide properties like printing properties,
+             # presentation show properties etc.
+             r'^(?:word|ppt|xl)/presProps\.xml$',
++            r'^(?:word|ppt|xl)/comments[0-9]+\.xml$',
+             # we have an allowlist in self.files_to_keep,
+             # so we can trash everything else
diff -Nru mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0002-fix-printing-of-cleaned-pdf-files.patch mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0002-fix-printing-of-cleaned-pdf-files.patch
--- mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0002-fix-printing-of-cleaned-pdf-files.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/0002-fix-printing-of-cleaned-pdf-files.patch	2021-07-29 16:21:06.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Description: Fix issues if printing cleaned pdf file
+ pyCairo by default renders the PDF surfaces with a resolution of 72
+ dpi which is so low that the bitmap gets blurred compared to original.
+ Since pyCairo 1.12.0, a new method set_device_scale(x_scale, y_scale)
+ is added, which allows changing the canvas resolution.
+Origin: upstream
+Applied-Upstream: 3b094ae449afbb2c375454c1ee76b76aa98648d4
+Reviewed-by: Georg Faerber <>
+Last-Update: 2021-07-29
+This patch header follows DEP-3:
+Index: mat2/libmat2/
+--- mat2.orig/libmat2/	2021-07-29 16:11:46.254777280 +0000
++++ mat2/libmat2/	2021-07-29 16:12:42.239485144 +0000
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+     def __init__(self, filename):
+         super().__init__(filename)
+         self.uri = 'file://' + os.path.abspath(self.filename)
+-        self.__scale = 2  # how much precision do we want for the render
++        self.__scale = 200 / 72.0  # how much precision do we want for the render
+         try:  # Check now that the file is valid, to avoid surprises later
+             Poppler.Document.new_from_file(self.uri, None)
+         except GLib.GError:  # Invalid PDF
+@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
+             page_width, page_height = page.get_size()
+   "Rendering page %d/%d", pagenum + 1, pages_count)
+-            width = int(page_width) * self.__scale
+-            height = int(page_height) * self.__scale
++            width = int(page_width * self.__scale)
++            height = int(page_height * self.__scale)
+             img_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
+             img_context = cairo.Context(img_surface)
+@@ -105,7 +105,11 @@
+             img = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(buf)
+-            pdf_surface.set_size(page_width*self.__scale, page_height*self.__scale)
++            if cairo.version_info < (1, 12, 0):
++                pdf_surface.set_size(width, height)
++            else:
++                pdf_surface.set_size(page_width, page_height)
++                pdf_surface.set_device_scale(1 / self.__scale, 1 / self.__scale)
+             pdf_context.set_source_surface(img, 0, 0)
+             pdf_context.paint()
+             pdf_context.show_page()  # draw pdf_context on pdf_surface
diff -Nru mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/series mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/series
--- mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/series	2021-05-24 15:01:29.000000000 +0000
+++ mat2-0.12.1/debian/patches/series	2021-07-29 16:21:06.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Georg,

On 02-08-2021 22:21, Georg Faerber wrote:
> It ships improved support of XLSX files and a fix adressing problems if
> printing cleaned PDF files.
> It's a key package, as doxygen build-depends on it, but so far regressions
> haven't been reported, and autopkgtest looks good as well.

It's too late for changes like this one.



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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

--- End Message ---

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