Hi Paul, On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 02:03:02PM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote: > On 27-07-2021 03:17, Holger Levsen wrote: > > Please unblock package developers-reference 11.0.21, which is a > > documentation > > and translation only update: > Unblocked.
thank you. > However, next time I'd love to see less strings becoming fuzzy for only > a buster -> bullseye, stretch -> buster update. It's not going to be > time well spent for translators to only find such renames. Also, it will > mean some untranslated (because fuzzy) strings that are not really > needed in my opinion (IIUC). while I agree I'm also guilty of not unfuzzying the strings, mostly due to unhappyness about having lost a working translation workflow and because of the translations being out of date already anyway... fwiw, here's what I said about this on #-policy yesterday: < h01ger> how do you call for translations? do you? < h01ger> (of policy.md :) < h01ger> asking because of dev-ref.. < someone> | h01ger: we did in a bits from the policy team at one point < someone> iirc < h01ger> so, just by writing a mail "please help translating" ? < h01ger> or could you communicate translation stati etc like this < h01ger> "german translation status is 67%, french t status is 77%" etc < someone> that sounds useful :) < someone> we have no translations to report on.. < h01ger> ah! < h01ger> in the past there was one xml file and thus one pot file for translations < h01ger> now we have several md files for the source and thus several pot files to translate < h01ger> thus they need to be concatted and then the overall language status needs to be calculated < h01ger> to write a mail saying 'please translate the remaining 3% of strings to german and the remaining 23% to french" or whatever < someone> that does sound like a useful way to encourage people < someone> including the remaining percentages, I mean < h01ger> https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2021/07/msg00000.html < h01ger> https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2021/07/msg00002.html < h01ger> :) < h01ger> (for bullseye) every other week, automatically. < someone> very cool < h01ger> for d-edu-doc also weblate is involved, which does attract some people... < h01ger> and yes, i want something similar for dev-ref.. will share once its there! :) < h01ger> might take 2 years or so, help much welcome, MR even more so :) < h01ger> could also be a gsoc project, happy to mentor > Paul, who sometimes refrains from making minor improvements in > release-notes (at this stage) unless he can fix it in the translations too. I've decided for an up2date english src:dev-ref for bullseye, shipped in bullseye, and for future updated and better translated src:dev-ref there's unstable and bookworm :) -- cheers, Holger ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C ⠈⠳⣄ Nach wieviel Einzelfällen wird ein Einzelfall zum Normalfall? (Jan Böhmermann)
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