Isaac Clerencia wrote:
> On Friday, 29 December 2006 03:51, Steve Langasek wrote:
>>> I hope this can go in :)
>>  1516 files changed, 100841 insertions(+), 99201 deletions(-)
>> Aieee.
>> Even the code-only changes add up to about 1200 lines.  The only way I
>> could see letting this in would be if it were allowed to age for twice the
>> normal time, and then only because it's a game...
> Sounds fair. Please, take into account that every line of code changed there 
> are bugfixes.
> In addition, we have a quite big user base (almost 100 players in the 1.2 
> multiplayer server just now, plus a huge majority that do not play 
> multiplayer), so usually bugs are spotted really quickly. So far, 1.2 has 
> been out for a week and no important bug has been spotted (and it fixes 
> several important ones). :)

Unblocked, setting waiting time to 20 days.



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