
On 06-07-2021 13:03, Gennaro Oliva wrote:
>>>   [X] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
>> All 6000 lines?
> I had a quick review to the relevant changes contained in the attached
> patch.

I'm confused. This line doesn't sound like this is appropriate material
for an unblock. We want targeted fixes in bullseye right now, and a
"quick review" doesn't sound like you did the appropriate checking. To
be clear, you as the requestor of the unblock should make the judgement
call if the new version of the package follows the freeze rules [1,2]
and convince us of that. We don't have the bandwidth to do this
ourselves, we can only try do judge if you made the right call.

And to avoid more back and forth, if the new upstream doesn't meet the
freeze requirements, please revert the new upstream release (e.g. by
using a "+really" version number) and upload with only the CVE fix
backported to the version in bullseye.


[1] https://release.debian.org/bullseye/freeze_policy.html
[2] https://release.debian.org/bullseye/FAQ.html

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