Control: tags -1 + confirmed


On Sun, 2020-11-22 at 02:54 +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> I'd like to upload a stable update for efivar, with two (sets of)
> fixes backported from upstream.
>  * Firstly, there's a simple initialisation fix to fix some possible
>    crashes.
>  * Secondly, there's support for newer systems that need extra NVME
>    support doing device lookups. (#975417). This is an important
>    update for supporting installation and boot on those new
>    systems. The reporter of the bug has tested with test packages and
>    all looks good.

The metadata for #975417 implies that it still affects unstable. From
reading the bug log and your mail above I assume it's simply missing a
fixed version.

Assuming that's the case, please go ahead but please also fix the
metadata to more accurately reflect the situation.



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