Hello release team,

this version includes a documentation fix (README.Debian,
NEWS.Debian). The documentation mentioned a feature that we
decided to postpone until after etch; It would be great if
you could let this version into testing.

diff -u loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/changelog loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/changelog
--- loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/changelog
+++ loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+loop-aes-utils (2.12r-15) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Set maintainer to Debian Loop-AES Team 
+  * Partially revert documentation changes as we don't include 
+    the initramfs-tools integration yet for etch.
+ -- Max Vozeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sat, 16 Dec 2006 03:38:40 +0100
 loop-aes-utils (2.12r-14) unstable; urgency=low
   * Sync with util-linux 2.12r-11
diff -u loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/control loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/control
--- loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/control
+++ loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/control
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 Source: loop-aes-utils
 Section: admin
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Max Vozeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+Maintainer: Debian Loop-AES Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+Uploaders: Max Vozeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.2), dpatch (>= 2.0.0), libblkid-dev, uuid-dev
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
--- loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/NEWS.Debian
+++ loop-aes-utils-2.12r.orig/debian/NEWS.Debian
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-loop-aes-utils (2.12r-12) unstable; urgency=low
-  * This version includes support for root on loop-aes encrypted
-    device when using an initramfs-tools generated initramfs.
-    If you had a working loop-aes encrypted root and you are using
-    initramfs-tools, this support may interfere and cause initramfs-tools
-    to produce an initramfs that will not boot your system. See
-    /usr/share/doc/loop-aes-utils/README.Debian.gz for details.
- -- Lionel Elie Mamane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun,  6 Aug 2006 15:20:24 +0200
diff -u loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/README loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/README
--- loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/README
+++ loop-aes-utils-2.12r/debian/README
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 loop-aes-utils for Debian
-  This package is based on Debian util-linux 2.12r-9 and the 
-  loop-AES v3.1c patch for util-linux. It is intended to be used
-  in combination with a loop-AES kernel module.
+  This package is based on Debian util-linux and the loop-AES 
+  patch for util-linux. It is intended to be used in combination
+  with a loop-AES kernel module.
   You can find detailed documentation for loop-AES in packages
   loop-aes-$(KVERS) and loop-aes-source.
@@ -26,38 +26 @@
-Encrypted root fs
-  This package integrates with initramfs-tools so that an initramfs
-  created with initramfs-tools will be able to handle a root fs on an
-  encrypted (or not) loop device.
-  This support is automatically enabled at initramfs creation time
-  when your root device in /etc/fstab has a "loop=/dev/loopN"
-  option. You can also force it on by setting the environmental
-  variable INITRAMFS_LOOPAES to "1", "yes" or "on"; you can force it
-  off by setting INITRAMFS_LOOPAES to "0", "no" or
-  "off". INITRAMFS_LOOPAES can be set in the shell calling mkinitramfs
-  or in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf .
-  When support is forced on, support for all ciphers is included; when
-  automatically enabled, only the necessary cipher module is included
-  in the initramfs.
-  The entry for the root fs in /etc/fstab should look like:
-  /dev/hda5	/	ext3	loop=/dev/loop5,encryption=AES,gpgkey=/root/keys/loopaes.gpg	0	0
-  not
-  /dev/loop5	/	ext3	defaults	0	0
-  If the options include a "gpghome=" and/or a "gpgkey=", these will
-  be copied into the initramfs, to /keys/rootkeyfile.gpg and /.gnupg,
-  respectively; if you supply a "gpghome=" option, it is recommended
-  that it point towards a specially prepared minimal directory rather
-  than your usual "~/.gnupg/".
-  You can override the loop and crypto related options of /etc/fstab
-  at boot time by setting the kernel command-line "loopaesopts="
-  option from your boot leader. The syntax is the same as in the
-  options column of /etc/fstab. Any file path will be interpreted in
-  the initramfs, obviously. For example:
-  "loopaesopts=loop=/dev/loop5,encryption=AES,gpgkey=/keys/rootkeyfile.gpg"
- -- Max Vozeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Lionel Elie Mamane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ -- Max Vozeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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