severity 971807 normal retitle 971807 buster-pu: package webext-tbsync user usertags 971807 + pu thanks
On Wed, 2020-10-07 at 20:39 +0200, Mechtilde Stehmann wrote: > Package: > Version: > Severity: grave Absolutely not. A stable update is generally - and at most - normal severity. Please use standard metadata for p-u bugs, and at the very least mention the package in the subject if not... > Hello, > > I prepare an update of webext-tbsync for buster with version > 2.16.1+deb10u1. That would be higher than the version in unstable, so would be inappropriate. (and appears to be missing a Debian package revision, but I assume that's simply a typo and you meant 2.16.1-1+deb10u1.) You want 2.16.1-0+deb10u1 or 2.16.1-1~deb10u1, with an appropriate changelog stanza on top of either the current stable package or the unstable upload, depending on which way you go. > It is needed tobe uploaded to sstable-update because of the Update of > thunderbird 68 to 78. Is the new package compatible with Thunderbird 68 as well? > This fixed the incompatibility (#968102). It is now uploaded to > unstable after being two months in experimental. > > I will also fill two further bug reports for DAV-4-TbSync and > EAS-4-Tbsync which are dependencies aof TbSyc Please bear the above in mind before doing so. Regards, Adam