Dear Debian:
I hereby appoint the following as members of the Debian Release Team:

   - Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (pochu)
   - Adam D. Barratt (adsb)
   - Julien Cristau (jcristau)
   - Cyril Brulebois (kibi)
   - Ivo De Decker (ivodd)
   - Jonathan Wiltshire (jmw)
   - Paul Gevers (elbrus)
   - Graham Inggs (ginngs)

This represents the addition of Graham Inggs and  the retirement of:

 * Andreas Barth <aba>

 * Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <faw>

 * Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi>

 * Niels Thykier <nthykier>

 * Philipp Kern <pkern>

I'd like to thank everyone for your service.

Any previous Release Team delegation not explicitly listed above is
revoked. The delegation is not time-limited; it will be effective
until further changes by present or future Project Leaders.

Task Description

The Release Team oversees and manages the releases of the testing,
stable, and oldstable distributions (aka suites).

 * Release Team members decide on the release schedule (e.g. freeze
   dates, release dates for stable and point releases for stable
   and oldstable).

 * Release Team members define the content of the suites listed above,
   that is:

   - They define the packages that are part of those suites. Generally,
     that is achieved by deciding:

     - Which issues are release-critical (RC) (ie. making the affected
       packages not suitable for stable releases) usually by setting
       the corresponding bug's severity to serious, grave or critical.

     - Which package modifications (eg. bug fixes) are suitable for
       inclusion in those suites.

     - When and how updated packages migrate between suites. When
       necessary, they may temporarily forbid specific uploads to
       unstable in order to facilitate transitions.

   - They define the architectures (ports) that are part of those
     suites by deciding which issues are severe enough to prevent a
     given port from being part of a stable release.

 * Release Team members decide on the codenames for stable releases.

 * Release Team members coordinate the work on the release notes and
   have the final say on their content.

 * Release Team members have the final say on the official material
   for each release such as deciding which CD images are "official"


You can learn more about the activities and responsibilities of the
Release Team here:


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