Le 30/12/19 à 22:24, Paul Gevers a écrit :
> Hi Laurent, Andreas,
> What's the current status of the two packages reported unfixed? It's not
> clear if they either FTBFS or if they are just not tried to be fixed in
> experimental. I asked to have bugs filed, but I didn't spot them.
> peony-extensions - no rdeps, unmaintained <--- temporary removal?
>                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not really, the package is
> aging now in unstable as it had recent updates
AFAICS peony-extensions has no dependency against gssdp or gupnp, so
that's fine I guess
> upnp-router-control - no rdeps, unmaintained for years <-- permament
> removal?

That package definitely look unmaintained (no upload since 2013), I see
some recent activity upstream (a few uploads in 2019, the previous
uploads where somewhere in 2013), but even the development branch does
not built with the last version of gssdp/gupnp

I've opened a bug upstream and I just opened a serious bug in debian

So I guess that removing the package from testing should be fine for now?

> If this is cleared up, we can probably go ahead.
> Paul

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