On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 08:58:42AM +1300, Olly Betts wrote:
> * mrpt was updated but the build failed on mipsel due to running out of
>   memory and it's now entangled in auto-opencv.  But it's due for AUTORM
>   on 2019-10-28 so that should resolve itself within a week.

No change here.

> * codelite is orphaned and needs a new upstream version, but one of the
>   upstream developers has prepared an update which is currently in the
>   process of being sponsored.

This has been uploaded and has built on all release archs.

> * filezilla seems to be immune to AUTORM (presumably due to its popcon
>   score).  The maintainer appears to have prepared an upload 3.5 weeks
>   ago but not uploaded it:

This has been uploaded and has built on all release archs.

However, checking with "dak rm" on coccia, I discovered four packages
which build-depend on libwxgtk3.0-dev but without a resulting runtime
dependency.  I've filed bugs against these and set them as blocking this
bug.  They should at least be easy to address.


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