On 2019/07/03 22:06, Paul Gevers wrote:
> Can you elaborate why not? I suggest you talk to the security team to
> get it uploaded to their archive, because I don't understand why that
> wouldn't work.

Because (for some reason that I only confirmed today and hope to be able
to change soon), live images don't build using a -security apt source,
so if this can make it into -security it won't be in the image that's
released this weekend.

> Sorry, too late. I agree that this isn't pretty, but we are in the hard
> freeze and your issue is not a we-can-release-otherwise problem. If you
> are right it can't be fixed via security, we can document it in the
> release notes as you say. The problem you are having is not new, see
> e.g. bug 578117.

This particular issue is a new issue since we haven't used full-disk
encryption from an installer before in Debian, so it didn't have this
kind of real-world impact back when #578117 (and similar bugs) were filed.

Will talk to Steve and get a release note prepared then.


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Debian Developer - https://wiki.debian.org/highvoltage
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