On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 11:34:24AM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> No, I just like to know what we're trying to achieve before starting to
> do anything.
> Okay, so the idea is:
>   (a) move m68k from etch to testing-m68k
>   (b) automatically promote m68k packages from unstable to testing-m68k
>       when the same version gets promoted into etch.
>   (c) when, or after etch has released, make a snapshot of testing-m68k
>       called etch-m68k if possible. possibly simply include that in etch
>       proper if the RMs deem it to meet the release criteria.
>   (d) over time, improve the promotion rules for testing-m68k to be
>       a proper m68k-only britney run with appropriate criteria for
>       m68k (for example, counting debian-68k@lists.debian.org:m68k-rc
>       usertagged bugs as release critical, or :m68k-non-rc as not being
>       RC in spite of a serious severity)
> Yes? No?            

Wouter? Michael?


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