Holger and I discussed an alternative approach for the crypto transition in Debian buster, if gosa in stretch does not get updated to this s-pu's version:

14:42 < h01ger> sunweaver: i fear your approach wont work / be enough. upgrades from stretch should^wmust work, even if not the latest point release was installed 14:51 < h01ger> and that debdiff mail didnt make it to the list because 1.5mb is above the filesizelimit for the list

18:59 < sunweaver> h01ger: unfortunately, I don't have an OTOH solution for crypto-transition directly in buster. 18:59 < sunweaver> It is not a packaging issue really, but a configuration adaptation issue. 18:59 < sunweaver> normally, the user has to interact with $editor and /etc/ for other packages, too. 19:00 < sunweaver> so, the crypto-transition is a courtesy provided by the package maintainer.

19:00 < h01ger> ic

19:01 < sunweaver> the other option is: reset passwords for gosa-admin DN and re-setup GOsa² starting with plaintext passwords in /etc/gosa/gosa.conf and then rehashing the plain text password with the gosa-encrypt-passwords script. 19:01 < sunweaver> maybe that should have been added to the NEWS file and the bug report.

19:02 < h01ger> resetting the passwd for gosa-admin seems not too bad indeed

19:02 < sunweaver> h01ger: is it supposed to be that way, that after a dist-upgrade to buster the TJENER is still stuck with the stretch debian-edu artwork theme? 19:03 < sunweaver> h01ger: it is possible, but much more difficult for the untrained LDAP non-adept.
19:03 < sunweaver> I will send this extra info to the s-pu bug...


c\o Technik- und Ökologiezentrum Eckernförde
Mike Gabriel, Marienthaler str. 17, 24340 Eckernförde
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
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