Control: tag -1 -moreinfo

>> > - Added a file (or whatever is called), asked by 
>> > security team
>> Not mentioned in changelog.

sorry for that, I forgot to run gbp dch before committing, so the git history 
didn't get fully reflected in changelog

>> > - added a two line build fix for kernel 5.0
>> Not relevant for buster.

while you are right, it is not useless because people like to try new kernels 
on stable releases, and having this fix would
make their lives better.
(there is a vbox-source that can make it work with module-assistant, but since 
this is just a one-line build fix, I think
this should be in)

>> > - dropped a non-used patch.
>> Not mentioned in changelog.
>> (I am not very impressed by this.)

this one was intentional, I need it for backports, and I don't need for 
I still don't know if it is better to keep it commented, or just leave it out 
in a different git branch.
In any case it shouldn't be something the end user should care.

Opinion on how to proceed? Should I reupload a no-change fixed changelog (I 
think not)

let me know your best opinion, thanks!


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