Your message dated Sat, 16 Feb 2019 11:36:33 +0000
with message-id <>
and subject line Closing bugs for updates included in 9.8
has caused the Debian Bug report #914475,
regarding stretch-pu: package pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u3
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
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Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Tags: stretch
Usertags: pu

Dear Release Managers,

pdns/4.0.3-1+deb9u3 would fix two important and two not-high-prio
security bugs:

 * #898255: CVE-2018-1046 in dnsreplay (pdns-tools)
 * #913163: CVE-2018-10851 (pdns)
 * #889798: MySQL queries with stored procedures fail
 * #911659: ldap, lua, opendbx backends don't actually find zones

I've been in contact with security@ about the CVEs.

debdiff below. The submitter for #889798 says the new package fixes
their problem.


diff -Nru pdns-4.0.3/debian/changelog pdns-4.0.3/debian/changelog
--- pdns-4.0.3/debian/changelog 2017-11-27 22:02:24.000000000 +0000
+++ pdns-4.0.3/debian/changelog 2018-11-10 13:36:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+pdns (4.0.3-1+deb9u3) stretch; urgency=medium
+  * Fix (security) bugs, partially using upstream patches:
+    * CVE-2018-1046 in dnsreplay (Closes: #898255)
+    * CVE-2018-10851 (Closes: #913163)
+    * MySQL queries with stored procedures (Closes: #889798)
+    * ldap, lua, opendbx backend not finding domains (Closes: #911659)
+ -- Christian Hofstaedtler <>  Sat, 10 Nov 2018 13:36:22 +0000
 pdns (4.0.3-1+deb9u2) stretch; urgency=medium
   * Add upstream patch fixing security issue:
diff -Nru 
 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
 2018-11-10 13:36:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From 4fd90e75d47d6ec43d10c94ea260b08e50806442 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Remi Gacogne <>
+Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2018 17:03:47 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] auth: Always bind the results array after executing a
+ statement
+We will reuse the same array most of the time, but it turns out that
+calling mysql_stmt_next_result() followed by mysql_stmt_store_result()
+invalidates the existing binding (the first one sets stmt->bind_result_done
+to false, causing the second to reset the existing binding).
+ modules/gmysqlbackend/ | 31 +++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/modules/gmysqlbackend/ b/modules/gmysqlbackend/
+index aab16daf9..8a2a5092a 100644
+--- a/modules/gmysqlbackend/
++++ b/modules/gmysqlbackend/
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public:
+       // prepare for result
+       d_resnum = mysql_stmt_num_rows(d_stmt);
+-      if (d_resnum>0 && d_res_bind == NULL) {
++      if (d_resnum > 0 && d_res_bind == nullptr) {
+         MYSQL_RES* meta = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(d_stmt);
+         d_fnum = static_cast<int>(mysql_num_fields(meta)); // ensure correct 
number of fields
+         d_res_bind = new MYSQL_BIND[d_fnum];
+@@ -201,12 +201,17 @@ public:
+         }
+         mysql_free_result(meta);
+-        if ((err = mysql_stmt_bind_result(d_stmt, d_res_bind))) {
+-          string error(mysql_stmt_error(d_stmt));
+-          releaseStatement();
+-          throw SSqlException("Could not bind parameters to mysql statement: 
" + d_query + string(": ") + error);
+-        }
++      }
++      /* we need to bind the results array again because a call to 
mysql_stmt_next_result() followed
++         by a call to mysql_stmt_store_result() might have invalidated it 
(the first one sets
++         stmt->bind_result_done to false, causing the second to reset the 
existing binding),
++         and we can't bind it right after the call to 
mysql_stmt_store_result() if it returned
++         no rows, because then the statement 'contains no metadata' */
++      if (d_res_bind != nullptr && (err = mysql_stmt_bind_result(d_stmt, 
d_res_bind))) {
++        string error(mysql_stmt_error(d_stmt));
++        releaseStatement();
++        throw SSqlException("Could not bind parameters to mysql statement: " 
+ d_query + string(": ") + error);
+       }
+     }
+@@ -252,13 +259,13 @@ public:
+         if ((err = mysql_stmt_store_result(d_stmt))) {
+           string error(mysql_stmt_error(d_stmt));
+           releaseStatement();
+-          throw SSqlException("Could not store mysql statement: " + d_query + 
string(": ") + error);
++          throw SSqlException("Could not store mysql statement while 
processing additional sets: " + d_query + string(": ") + error);
+         }
+         d_resnum = mysql_stmt_num_rows(d_stmt);
+         // XXX: For some reason mysql_stmt_result_metadata returns NULL here, 
so we cannot
+         // ensure row field count matches first result set.
+-        if (d_resnum>0) { // ignore empty result set
+-          if ((err = mysql_stmt_bind_result(d_stmt, d_res_bind))) {
++        if (d_resnum > 0) { // ignore empty result set
++          if (d_res_bind != nullptr && (err = mysql_stmt_bind_result(d_stmt, 
d_res_bind))) {
+             string error(mysql_stmt_error(d_stmt));
+             releaseStatement();
+             throw SSqlException("Could not bind parameters to mysql 
statement: " + d_query + string(": ") + error);
diff -Nru pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/911659-auth-reanimate-backends.patch 
--- pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/911659-auth-reanimate-backends.patch      
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/911659-auth-reanimate-backends.patch      
2018-11-10 13:36:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+From 8e4c354790ff43ca750a58c504ee31e570462ff8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chris Hofstaedtler <>
+Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 15:26:01 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] auth: reanimate opendbx, lua, ldapbackend
+Minimal version of cf8c91f3d30bdab55725c4b74f7753b7bd1f3c82,
+originally by Kees Monshouwer <>
+ modules/ldapbackend/    |  4 ++--
+ modules/ldapbackend/ldapbackend.hh    |  2 +-
+ modules/luabackend/luabackend.hh      |  2 +-
+ modules/luabackend/         |  4 ++--
+ modules/opendbxbackend/ | 26 +++++++++++---------------
+ modules/opendbxbackend/odbxbackend.hh | 12 ++++++------
+ 6 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/modules/ldapbackend/ 
+index 3ed7574f0..f315a7aff 100644
+--- a/modules/ldapbackend/
++++ b/modules/ldapbackend/
+@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ bool LdapBackend::get( DNSResourceRecord &rr )
+- bool LdapBackend::getDomainInfo( const string& domain, DomainInfo& di )
++ bool LdapBackend::getDomainInfo( const DNSName& domain, DomainInfo& di )
+ {
+         string filter;
+         SOAData sd;
+@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ bool LdapBackend::get( DNSResourceRecord &rr )
+         // search for SOARecord of domain
+-        filter = "(&(associatedDomain=" + toLower( m_pldap->escape( domain ) 
) + ")(SOARecord=*))";
++        filter = "(&(associatedDomain=" + toLower( m_pldap->escape( 
domain.toStringRootDot() ) ) + ")(SOARecord=*))";
+         m_msgid = m_pldap->search( getArg( "basedn" ), LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, 
filter, attronly );
+         m_pldap->getSearchEntry( m_msgid, m_result );
+diff --git a/modules/ldapbackend/ldapbackend.hh 
+index d2fb3bb4c..4f2656bf4 100644
+--- a/modules/ldapbackend/ldapbackend.hh
++++ b/modules/ldapbackend/ldapbackend.hh
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class LdapBackend : public DNSBackend
+         bool prepare_simple();
+         bool prepare_strict();
+-        bool getDomainInfo( const string& domain, DomainInfo& di );
++        bool getDomainInfo( const DNSName& domain, DomainInfo& di ) override;
+ public:
+diff --git a/modules/luabackend/luabackend.hh 
+index b658af576..0e95e6c84 100644
+--- a/modules/luabackend/luabackend.hh
++++ b/modules/luabackend/luabackend.hh
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public:
+     void lookup(const QType &qtype, const DNSName &qname, DNSPacket *p, int 
+     bool get(DNSResourceRecord &rr);
+     //! fills the soadata struct with the SOA details. Returns false if there 
is no SOA.
+-    bool getSOA(const string &name, SOAData &soadata, DNSPacket *p=0);
++    bool getSOA(const DNSName &name, SOAData &soadata, DNSPacket *p=0) 
+diff --git a/modules/luabackend/ b/modules/luabackend/
+index 0f8e3df48..816943b4f 100644
+--- a/modules/luabackend/
++++ b/modules/luabackend/
+@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ bool LUABackend::get(DNSResourceRecord &rr) {
+     return !rr.content.empty();
+ }
+-bool LUABackend::getSOA(const string &name, SOAData &soadata, DNSPacket *p) {
++bool LUABackend::getSOA(const DNSName &name, SOAData &soadata, DNSPacket *p) {
+     if (logging)
+       L << Logger::Info << backend_name << "(getsoa) BEGIN" << endl;
+@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ bool LUABackend::getSOA(const string &name, SOAData 
&soadata, DNSPacket *p) {
+     lua_rawgeti(lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, f_lua_getsoa);
+-    lua_pushstring(lua, name.c_str());
++    lua_pushstring(lua, name.toString().c_str());
+     if(lua_pcall(lua, 1, 1, f_lua_exec_error) != 0) {
+       string e = backend_name + lua_tostring(lua, -1);
+diff --git a/modules/opendbxbackend/ 
+index c868a8010..0bd001540 100644
+--- a/modules/opendbxbackend/
++++ b/modules/opendbxbackend/
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ OdbxBackend::~OdbxBackend()
+-bool OdbxBackend::getDomainInfo( const string& domain, DomainInfo& di )
++bool OdbxBackend::getDomainInfo( const DNSName& domain, DomainInfo& di )
+ {
+         const char* tmp;
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ bool OdbxBackend::getDomainInfo( const string& domain, 
DomainInfo& di )
+               DLOG( L.log( m_myname + " getDomainInfo()", Logger::Debug ) );
+               string stmt = getArg( "sql-zoneinfo" );
+-              string& stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( toLower( domain ), 
READ ), stmt );
++              string& stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( 
domain.makeLowerCase().toStringRootDot(), READ ), stmt );
+               if( !execStmt( stmtref.c_str(), stmtref.size(), READ ) ) { 
return false; }
+               if( !getRecord( READ ) ) { return false; }
+@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ bool OdbxBackend::getSOA( const DNSName& domain, SOAData& 
sd, DNSPacket* p )
+               DLOG( L.log( m_myname + " getSOA()", Logger::Debug ) );
+               string stmt = getArg( "sql-lookupsoa" );
+-              string& stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( 
domain.toStringNoDot(), READ ), stmt );
++              string& stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( 
domain.makeLowerCase().toStringNoDot(), READ ), stmt );
+               if( !execStmt( stmtref.c_str(), stmtref.size(), READ ) ) { 
return false; }
+               if( !getRecord( READ ) ) { return false; }
+@@ -345,8 +345,7 @@ void OdbxBackend::lookup( const QType& qtype, const 
DNSName& qname, DNSPacket* d
+                       stmtref = strbind( ":id", string( m_buffer, len ), 
stmtref );
+               }
+-              string tmp = qname.toStringNoDot();
+-              stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( toLowerByRef( tmp ), READ 
), stmtref );
++              stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( 
qname.makeLowerCase().toStringRootDot(), READ ), stmtref );
+               if( !execStmt( stmtref.c_str(), stmtref.size(), READ ) )
+               {
+@@ -509,14 +508,14 @@ void OdbxBackend::setNotified( uint32_t domain_id, 
uint32_t serial )
+-bool OdbxBackend::isMaster( const string& domain, const string& ip )
++bool OdbxBackend::isMaster( const DNSName& domain, const string& ip )
+ {
+         try
+         {
+               DLOG( L.log( m_myname + " isMaster()", Logger::Debug ) );
+               string stmt = getArg( "sql-master" );
+-              string& stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( toLower( domain ), 
READ ), stmt );
++              string& stmtref = strbind( ":name", escape( 
domain.makeLowerCase().toStringRootDot(), READ ), stmt );
+               if( !execStmt( stmtref.c_str(), stmtref.size(), READ ) ) { 
return false; }
+               if( !getRecord( READ ) ) { return false; }
+@@ -589,7 +588,7 @@ void OdbxBackend::getUpdatedMasters( vector<DomainInfo>* 
updated )
+-bool OdbxBackend::superMasterBackend( const string& ip, const string& domain, 
const vector<DNSResourceRecord>& set, string *nameserver, string* account, 
DNSBackend** ddb )
++bool OdbxBackend::superMasterBackend( const string& ip, const DNSName& 
domain, const vector<DNSResourceRecord>& set, string *nameserver, string* 
account, DNSBackend** ddb )
+ {
+         try
+         {
+@@ -633,7 +632,7 @@ bool OdbxBackend::superMasterBackend( const string& ip, 
const string& domain, co
+-bool OdbxBackend::createSlaveDomain( const string& ip, const string& domain, 
const string &nameserver, const string& account )
++bool OdbxBackend::createSlaveDomain( const string& ip, const DNSName& domain, 
const string &nameserver, const string& account )
+ {
+         try
+         {
+@@ -645,8 +644,7 @@ bool OdbxBackend::createSlaveDomain( const string& ip, 
const string& domain, con
+                       return false;
+               }
+-              string tmp = domain;
+-              int len = snprintf( m_buffer, sizeof( m_buffer ) - 1, getArg( 
"sql-insert-slave" ).c_str(), escape( toLowerByRef( tmp ), WRITE ).c_str(),
++              int len = snprintf( m_buffer, sizeof( m_buffer ) - 1, getArg( 
"sql-insert-slave" ).c_str(), escape( domain.makeLowerCase().toStringRootDot(), 
WRITE ).c_str(),
+                       escape( ip, WRITE ).c_str(), escape( account, WRITE 
).c_str() );
+               if( len < 0 )
+@@ -686,8 +684,6 @@ bool OdbxBackend::feedRecord( const DNSResourceRecord& rr, 
string *ordername )
+                       return false;
+               }
+-              string tmp = rr.qname.toStringNoDot();
+               unsigned int priority=0;
+               string content(rr.content);
+@@ -700,7 +696,7 @@ bool OdbxBackend::feedRecord( const DNSResourceRecord& rr, 
string *ordername )
+               }
+               int len = snprintf( m_buffer, sizeof( m_buffer ) - 1, getArg( 
"sql-insert-record" ).c_str(), rr.domain_id,
+-                      escape( toLowerByRef( tmp ), WRITE ).c_str(), 
rr.qtype.getName().c_str(), rr.ttl, priority,
++                      escape( rr.qname.makeLowerCase().toStringRootDot(), 
WRITE ).c_str(), rr.qtype.getName().c_str(), rr.ttl, priority,
+                       escape( content, WRITE ).c_str() );
+               if( len < 0 )
+@@ -728,7 +724,7 @@ bool OdbxBackend::feedRecord( const DNSResourceRecord& rr, 
string *ordername )
+-bool OdbxBackend::startTransaction( const string& domain, int zoneid )
++bool OdbxBackend::startTransaction( const DNSName& domain, int zoneid )
+ {
+         try
+         {
+diff --git a/modules/opendbxbackend/odbxbackend.hh 
+index 81e270348..8f9e27041 100644
+--- a/modules/opendbxbackend/odbxbackend.hh
++++ b/modules/opendbxbackend/odbxbackend.hh
+@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ public:
+         bool list( const DNSName& target, int domain_id, bool 
include_disabled=false );
+         bool get( DNSResourceRecord& rr );
+-        bool startTransaction( const string& domain, int domain_id );
++        bool startTransaction( const DNSName& domain, int domain_id ) 
+         bool commitTransaction();
+         bool abortTransaction();
+-        bool isMaster( const string& domain, const string& ip );
+-        bool getDomainInfo( const string& domain, DomainInfo& di );
+-        bool feedRecord( const DNSResourceRecord& rr, string *ordername=0 );
+-        bool createSlaveDomain( const string& ip, const string& domain, const 
string &nameserver, const string& account );
+-        bool superMasterBackend( const string& ip, const string& domain, 
const vector<DNSResourceRecord>& nsset, string *nameserver, string* account, 
DNSBackend** ddb );
++        bool isMaster( const DNSName& domain, const string& ip ) override;
++        bool getDomainInfo( const DNSName& domain, DomainInfo& di ) override;
++        bool feedRecord( const DNSResourceRecord& rr, string *ordername=0 ) 
++        bool createSlaveDomain( const string& ip, const DNSName& domain, 
const string &nameserver, const string& account ) override;
++        bool superMasterBackend( const string& ip, const DNSName& domain, 
const vector<DNSResourceRecord>& nsset, string *nameserver, string* account, 
DNSBackend** ddb ) override;
+         void getUpdatedMasters( vector<DomainInfo>* updated );
+         void getUnfreshSlaveInfos( vector<DomainInfo>* unfresh );
diff -Nru pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/CVE-2018-1046.patch 
--- pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/CVE-2018-1046.patch       1970-01-01 
00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/CVE-2018-1046.patch       2018-11-10 
13:36:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+From f9c57c98da1b1007a51680629b667d57d9b702b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Remi Gacogne <>
+Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 17:07:19 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] dnsreplay: Bail out on a too small outgoing buffer
+ pdns/ | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/pdns/ b/pdns/
+index 4c5f218c99..a671472f6f 100644
+--- a/pdns/
++++ b/pdns/
+@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ static void addECSOption(char* packet, const size_t& 
packetSize, uint16_t* len,
+   uint16_t arcount = ntohs(dh->arcount);
+   /* does it fit in the existing buffer? */
+-  if (packetSize - *len > EDNSRR.size()) {
++  if (packetSize > *len && packetSize - *len > EDNSRR.size()) {
+     arcount++;
+     dh->arcount = htons(arcount);
+     memcpy(packet + *len, EDNSRR.c_str(), EDNSRR.size());
diff -Nru pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/CVE-2018-10851.patch 
--- pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/CVE-2018-10851.patch      1970-01-01 
00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/CVE-2018-10851.patch      2018-11-10 
13:36:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/modules/bindbackend/ 
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/modules/bindbackend/  2017-11-27 
12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/modules/bindbackend/       2018-10-10 
11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -164,9 +164,8 @@
+   static int maxNSEC3Iterations=::arg().asNum("max-nsec3-iterations");
+   if(ns3p) {
+-    NSEC3PARAMRecordContent* 
 1, value));
++    auto 
 1, value));
+     *ns3p = *tmp;
+-    delete tmp;
+     if (ns3p->d_iterations > maxNSEC3Iterations) {
+       ns3p->d_iterations = maxNSEC3Iterations;
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/modules/tinydnsbackend/ 
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/modules/tinydnsbackend/   2017-11-27 
12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/modules/tinydnsbackend/        2018-10-10 
11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -300,10 +300,9 @@
+         dr.d_type = rr.qtype.getCode();
+         dr.d_clen = val.size()-pr.d_pos;
+-        DNSRecordContent *drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(dr, pr);
++        auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(dr, pr);
+         rr.content = drc->getZoneRepresentation();
+         DLOG(cerr<<"CONTENT: "<<rr.content<<endl);
+-        delete drc;
+       }
+       catch (...) {
+         if (d_ignorebogus) {
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/  2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/       2018-10-10 11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -121,54 +121,42 @@
+   return ret;
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* DNSRecordContent::mastermake(const DNSRecord &dr, 
+-                                               PacketReader& pr)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> DNSRecordContent::mastermake(const 
DNSRecord &dr, 
++                                                               PacketReader& 
+ {
+   uint16_t searchclass = (dr.d_type == QType::OPT) ? 1 : dr.d_class; // class 
is invalid for OPT
+   typemap_t::const_iterator i=getTypemap().find(make_pair(searchclass, 
+   if(i==getTypemap().end() || !i->second) {
+-    return new UnknownRecordContent(dr, pr);
++    return std::make_shared<UnknownRecordContent>(dr, pr);
+   }
+   return i->second(dr, pr);
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* DNSRecordContent::mastermake(uint16_t qtype, uint16_t 
+-                                               const string& content)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> DNSRecordContent::mastermake(uint16_t 
qtype, uint16_t qclass,
++                                                               const string& 
+ {
+   zmakermap_t::const_iterator i=getZmakermap().find(make_pair(qclass, qtype));
+   if(i==getZmakermap().end()) {
+-    return new UnknownRecordContent(content);
++    return std::make_shared<UnknownRecordContent>(content);
+   }
+   return i->second(content);
+ }
+-std::unique_ptr<DNSRecordContent> DNSRecordContent::makeunique(uint16_t 
qtype, uint16_t qclass,
+-                                               const string& content)
+-  zmakermap_t::const_iterator i=getZmakermap().find(make_pair(qclass, qtype));
+-  if(i==getZmakermap().end()) {
+-    return std::unique_ptr<DNSRecordContent>(new 
+-  }
+-  return std::unique_ptr<DNSRecordContent>(i->second(content));
+-DNSRecordContent* DNSRecordContent::mastermake(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr, uint16_t oc) {
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> DNSRecordContent::mastermake(const 
DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr, uint16_t oc) {
+   // For opcode UPDATE and where the DNSRecord is an answer record, we don't 
care about content, because this is
+   // not used within the prerequisite section of RFC2136, so - we can simply 
use unknownrecordcontent.
+   // For section 3.2.3, we do need content so we need to get it properly. But 
only for the correct Qclasses.
+   if (oc == Opcode::Update && dr.d_place == DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER && 
dr.d_class != 1)
+-    return new UnknownRecordContent(dr, pr);
++    return std::make_shared<UnknownRecordContent>(dr, pr);
+   uint16_t searchclass = (dr.d_type == QType::OPT) ? 1 : dr.d_class; // class 
is invalid for OPT
+   typemap_t::const_iterator i=getTypemap().find(make_pair(searchclass, 
+   if(i==getTypemap().end() || !i->second) {
+-    return new UnknownRecordContent(dr, pr);
++    return std::make_shared<UnknownRecordContent>(dr, pr);
+   }
+   return i->second(dr, pr);
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/dnsparser.hh pdns-4.0.5/pdns/dnsparser.hh
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/dnsparser.hh  2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/dnsparser.hh       2018-10-10 11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -166,10 +166,9 @@
+ class DNSRecordContent
+ {
+ public:
+-  static DNSRecordContent* mastermake(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* mastermake(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr, 
uint16_t opcode);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* mastermake(uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass, const 
string& zone);
+-  static std::unique_ptr<DNSRecordContent> makeunique(uint16_t qtype, 
uint16_t qclass, const string& content);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> mastermake(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> mastermake(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr, uint16_t opcode);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> mastermake(uint16_t qtype, 
uint16_t qclass, const string& zone);
+   virtual std::string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const = 0;
+   virtual ~DNSRecordContent() {}
+@@ -198,8 +197,8 @@
+   void doRecordCheck(const struct DNSRecord&){}
+-  typedef DNSRecordContent* makerfunc_t(const struct DNSRecord& dr, 
PacketReader& pr);  
+-  typedef DNSRecordContent* zmakerfunc_t(const string& str);  
++  typedef std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> makerfunc_t(const struct 
DNSRecord& dr, PacketReader& pr);
++  typedef std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> zmakerfunc_t(const string& str);
+   static void regist(uint16_t cl, uint16_t ty, makerfunc_t* f, zmakerfunc_t* 
z, const char* name)
+   {
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ 2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/      2018-10-10 11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -386,19 +386,19 @@
+ {
+   regist(1, QType::EUI48, &make, &make, "EUI48");
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* EUI48RecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& 
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> EUI48RecordContent::make(const DNSRecord 
&dr, PacketReader& pr)
+ {
+     if(dr.d_clen!=6)
+       throw MOADNSException("Wrong size for EUI48 record");
+-    EUI48RecordContent* ret=new EUI48RecordContent();
++    auto ret=std::make_shared<EUI48RecordContent>();
+     pr.copyRecord((uint8_t*) &ret->d_eui48, 6);
+     return ret;
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* EUI48RecordContent::make(const string& zone)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> EUI48RecordContent::make(const string& zone)
+ {
+     // try to parse
+-    EUI48RecordContent *ret=new EUI48RecordContent();
++    auto ret=std::make_shared<EUI48RecordContent>();
+     // format is 6 hex bytes and dashes    
+     if (sscanf(zone.c_str(), "%2hhx-%2hhx-%2hhx-%2hhx-%2hhx-%2hhx", 
+            ret->d_eui48, ret->d_eui48+1, ret->d_eui48+2, 
+@@ -429,19 +429,19 @@
+ {
+   regist(1, QType::EUI64, &make, &make, "EUI64");
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* EUI64RecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& 
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> EUI64RecordContent::make(const DNSRecord 
&dr, PacketReader& pr)
+ {
+     if(dr.d_clen!=8)
+       throw MOADNSException("Wrong size for EUI64 record");
+-    EUI64RecordContent* ret=new EUI64RecordContent();
++    auto ret=std::make_shared<EUI64RecordContent>();
+     pr.copyRecord((uint8_t*) &ret->d_eui64, 8);
+     return ret;
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* EUI64RecordContent::make(const string& zone)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> EUI64RecordContent::make(const string& zone)
+ {
+     // try to parse
+-    EUI64RecordContent *ret=new EUI64RecordContent();
++    auto ret=std::make_shared<EUI64RecordContent>();
+     // format is 8 hex bytes and dashes
+     if (sscanf(zone.c_str(), 
+            ret->d_eui64, ret->d_eui64+1, ret->d_eui64+2,
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/dnsrecords.hh pdns-4.0.5/pdns/dnsrecords.hh
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/dnsrecords.hh 2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/dnsrecords.hh      2018-10-10 11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
+   RNAME##RecordContent(const string& zoneData);                               
+   static void report(void);                                                   
+   static void unreport(void);                                                 
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);       
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& zonedata);                      
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);          \
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& zonedata);      
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;              
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;                                
+   uint16_t getType() const override { return QType::RNAME; }                  
+@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@
+   {}
+   NSECRecordContent(const string& content, const string& zone=""); 
//FIXME400: DNSName& zone?
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& content);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& content);
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+   uint16_t getType() const override
+@@ -487,8 +487,8 @@
+   {}
+   NSEC3RecordContent(const string& content, const string& zone=""); 
//FIXME400: DNSName& zone?
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& content);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& content);
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+@@ -516,8 +516,8 @@
+   {}
+   NSEC3PARAMRecordContent(const string& content, const string& zone=""); // 
FIXME400: DNSName& zone?
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& content);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& content);
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+@@ -541,8 +541,8 @@
+   {}
+   LOCRecordContent(const string& content, const string& zone="");
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& content);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& content);
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+@@ -565,8 +565,8 @@
+   {}
+   WKSRecordContent(const string& content, const string& zone=""); // 
FIXME400: DNSName& zone?
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& content);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& content);
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+@@ -580,8 +580,8 @@
+ public:
+   EUI48RecordContent() {};
+   static void report(void);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& zone); // FIXME400: DNSName& 
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& zone); // 
FIXME400: DNSName& zone?
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+   uint16_t getType() const override { return QType::EUI48; }
+@@ -595,8 +595,8 @@
+ public:
+   EUI64RecordContent() {};
+   static void report(void);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr);
+-  static DNSRecordContent* make(const string& zone); // FIXME400: DNSName& 
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const DNSRecord &dr, 
PacketReader& pr);
++  static std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> make(const string& zone); // 
FIXME400: DNSName& zone?
+   string getZoneRepresentation(bool noDot=false) const override;
+   void toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw) override;
+   uint16_t getType() const override { return QType::EUI64; }
+@@ -643,9 +643,9 @@
+ };
+ #define boilerplate(RNAME, RTYPE)                                             
+-RNAME##RecordContent::DNSRecordContent* RNAME##RecordContent::make(const 
DNSRecord& dr, PacketReader& pr) \
RNAME##RecordContent::make(const DNSRecord& dr, PacketReader& pr) \
+ {                                                                             
+-  return new RNAME##RecordContent(dr, pr);                                    
++  return std::make_shared<RNAME##RecordContent>(dr, pr);                      
+ }                                                                             
+ RNAME##RecordContent::RNAME##RecordContent(const DNSRecord& dr, PacketReader& 
pr)                  \
+@@ -654,9 +654,9 @@
+   xfrPacket(pr);                                                              
+ }                                                                             
+-RNAME##RecordContent::DNSRecordContent* RNAME##RecordContent::make(const 
string& zonedata)         \
RNAME##RecordContent::make(const string& zonedata)         \
+ {                                                                             
+-  return new RNAME##RecordContent(zonedata);                                  
++  return std::make_shared<RNAME##RecordContent>(zonedata);                    
+ }                                                                             
+ void RNAME##RecordContent::toPacket(DNSPacketWriter& pw)                      
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/        2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/     2018-10-10 11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
+   regist(1, 47, &make, &make, "NSEC");
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* NSECRecordContent::make(const string& content)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> NSECRecordContent::make(const string& 
+ {
+-  return new NSECRecordContent(content);
++  return std::make_shared<NSECRecordContent>(content);
+ }
+ NSECRecordContent::NSECRecordContent(const string& content, const string& 
+@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
+   pw.xfrBlob(tmp);
+ }
+-NSECRecordContent::DNSRecordContent* NSECRecordContent::make(const DNSRecord 
&dr, PacketReader& pr) 
NSECRecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr)
+ {
+-  NSECRecordContent* ret=new NSECRecordContent();
++  auto ret=std::make_shared<NSECRecordContent>();
+   pr.xfrName(ret->d_next);
+   string bitmap;
+   pr.xfrBlob(bitmap);
+@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@
+   regist(1, 50, &make, &make, "NSEC3");
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* NSEC3RecordContent::make(const string& content)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> NSEC3RecordContent::make(const string& 
+ {
+-  return new NSEC3RecordContent(content);
++  return std::make_shared<NSEC3RecordContent>(content);
+ }
+ NSEC3RecordContent::NSEC3RecordContent(const string& content, const string& 
+@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@
+   }
+ }
+-NSEC3RecordContent::DNSRecordContent* NSEC3RecordContent::make(const 
DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr) 
NSEC3RecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr)
+ {
+-  NSEC3RecordContent* ret=new NSEC3RecordContent();
++  auto ret=std::make_shared<NSEC3RecordContent>();
+   pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_algorithm);
+   pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_flags);
+   pr.xfr16BitInt(ret->d_iterations);
+@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@
+   regist(254, 51, &make, &make, "NSEC3PARAM");
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* NSEC3PARAMRecordContent::make(const string& content)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> NSEC3PARAMRecordContent::make(const string& 
+ {
+-  return new NSEC3PARAMRecordContent(content);
++  return std::make_shared<NSEC3PARAMRecordContent>(content);
+ }
+ NSEC3PARAMRecordContent::NSEC3PARAMRecordContent(const string& content, const 
string& zone) 
+@@ -297,9 +297,9 @@
+   pw.xfrBlob(d_salt);
+ }
NSEC3PARAMRecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr) 
NSEC3PARAMRecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr)
+ {
+-  NSEC3PARAMRecordContent* ret=new NSEC3PARAMRecordContent();
++  auto ret=std::make_shared<NSEC3PARAMRecordContent>();
+   pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_algorithm); 
+         pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_flags); 
+         pr.xfr16BitInt(ret->d_iterations); 
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/   2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/        2018-10-10 11:30:03.159903279 +0200
+@@ -1414,15 +1414,15 @@
+     if(rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::DNSKEY) {
+       cerr<<"got DNSKEY!"<<endl;
+       apex=rr.qname;
+-      drc = 
1, rr.content));
++      drc = 
 1, rr.content));
+     }
+     else if(rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::RRSIG) {
+       cerr<<"got RRSIG"<<endl;
+-      rrc = 
1, rr.content));
++      rrc = 
 1, rr.content));
+     }
+     else if(rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::DS) {
+       cerr<<"got DS"<<endl;
+-      dsrc = 
*dynamic_cast<DSRecordContent*>(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::DS, 1, 
++      dsrc = 
 1, rr.content));
+     }
+     else {
+       qname = rr.qname;
+@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ bool showZone(DNSSECKeeper& dk, const DNSName& zone)
+     B.lookup(QType(QType::DNSKEY), zone);
+     while(B.get(rr)) {
+       if (rr.qtype != QType::DNSKEY) continue;
++      keys.push_back(DNSKEYRecordContent(rr.getZoneRepresentation()));
+     }
+     if(keys.empty()) {
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/       2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/    2018-10-10 11:30:08.046519093 +0200
+@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@
+   regist(254, QType::LOC, &make, &make, "LOC");
+ }
+-DNSRecordContent* LOCRecordContent::make(const string& content)
++std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> LOCRecordContent::make(const string& 
+ {
+-  return new LOCRecordContent(content);
++  return std::make_shared<LOCRecordContent>(content);
+ }
+@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@
+   pw.xfr32BitInt(d_altitude);
+ }
+-LOCRecordContent::DNSRecordContent* LOCRecordContent::make(const DNSRecord 
&dr, PacketReader& pr) 
LOCRecordContent::make(const DNSRecord &dr, PacketReader& pr) 
+ {
+-  LOCRecordContent* ret=new LOCRecordContent();
++  auto ret=std::make_shared<LOCRecordContent>();
+   pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_version);
+   pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_size);
+   pr.xfr8BitInt(ret->d_horizpre);
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/  2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/       2018-10-10 11:30:08.046519093 +0200
+@@ -207,9 +207,8 @@
+   void operator()() const
+   {
+-      DNSRecordContent*drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::A, 1, 
+-                                                          "");
+-      delete drc;
++      auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::A, 1,
++                                              "");
+   }
+ };
+@@ -281,8 +280,8 @@
+     DNSPacketWriter pw(packet, DNSName(""), d_type);
+     for(int records = 0; records < d_records; records++) {
+       pw.startRecord(DNSName(""), d_type);
+-      DNSRecordContent*drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(d_type, 1, 
+-                                                          d_content);
++      auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(d_type, 1,
++                                              d_content);
+       drc->toPacket(pw);
+       delete drc;
+     }
+@@ -309,7 +308,7 @@
+     DNSPacketWriter pw(packet, DNSName(""), QType::AAAA);
+     for(int records = 0; records < d_records; records++) {
+       pw.startRecord(DNSName(""), QType::AAAA);
+-      DNSRecordContent*drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::AAAA, 1, 
++      auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::AAAA, 1, 
+       drc->toPacket(pw);
+       delete drc;
+     }
+@@ -334,7 +333,7 @@
+     for(int records = 0; records < d_records; records++) {
+       pw.startRecord(DNSName(""), QType::SOA);
+-      DNSRecordContent*drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::SOA, 1, 
" 2008758137 1800 900 604800 
++      auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::SOA, 1, 
" 2008758137 1800 900 604800 
+       drc->toPacket(pw);
+       delete drc;
+     }
+@@ -356,7 +355,7 @@
+   DNSPacketWriter pw(packet, DNSName(""), QType::A);
+   pw.startRecord(DNSName(""), QType::NS, 3600, 1, 
+-  DNSRecordContent* drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::NS, 1, 
++  auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(QType::NS, 1, "");
+   drc->toPacket(pw);
+   delete drc;
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ 
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ 2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/      2018-10-10 11:30:08.046519093 
+@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
+    try {
+       std::string recData;
+       if (q.getCode() != QType::TSIG) {
+-        boost::scoped_ptr<DNSRecordContent> 
rec(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(q.getCode(), 1, val.get<1>()));
++        auto rec = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(q.getCode(), 1, val.get<1>());
+         BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(rec != NULL, "mastermake( " << q.getCode() << ", 
1, " << val.get<1>() << ") returned NULL");
+         if (rec == NULL) continue;
+         // now verify the record (note that this will be same as *zone* value 
(except for certain QTypes)
+@@ -268,10 +268,10 @@
+     if (val.get<2>()) {
+       bool success=true;
+-      BOOST_WARN_EXCEPTION( { boost::scoped_ptr<DNSRecordContent> 
drc(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(q.getCode(), 1, val.get<1>())); 
pw.startRecord(DNSName("unit.test"), q.getCode()); drc->toPacket(pw); 
success=false; }, std::exception, test_dnsrecords_cc_predicate );
++      BOOST_WARN_EXCEPTION( { std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> 
drc(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(q.getCode(), 1, val.get<1>())); 
pw.startRecord(DNSName("unit.test"), q.getCode()); drc->toPacket(pw); 
success=false; }, std::exception, test_dnsrecords_cc_predicate );
+       if (success==false) REC_FAIL_XSUCCESS2(q.getName() << " test #" << n << 
" has unexpectedly passed"); // a bad record was detected when it was supposed 
not to be detected
+     } else {
+-      BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( { boost::scoped_ptr<DNSRecordContent> 
drc(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(q.getCode(), 1, val.get<1>())); 
pw.startRecord(DNSName("unit.test"), q.getCode()); drc->toPacket(pw); }, 
std::exception, test_dnsrecords_cc_predicate );
++      BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( { std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent> 
drc(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(q.getCode(), 1, val.get<1>())); 
pw.startRecord(DNSName("unit.test"), q.getCode()); drc->toPacket(pw); }, 
std::exception, test_dnsrecords_cc_predicate );
+     }
+   };
+ }
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/    2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/ 2018-10-10 11:30:08.046519093 +0200
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
+ LuaConfigItems::LuaConfigItems()
+ {
+   for (const auto &dsRecord : rootDSs) {
+-    auto 
++    auto 
+     dsAnchors[DNSName(".")].insert(*ds);
+   }
+ }
+diff -ru pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/
+--- pdns-4.0.5.orig/pdns/    2017-11-27 12:38:48.000000000 +0100
++++ pdns-4.0.5/pdns/ 2018-10-10 11:30:08.049852391 +0200
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
+ /** Helper to build a record content as needed. */
+ static inline string makeRecordContent(const QType& qtype, const string& 
content, bool noDot) {
+   // noDot: for backend storage, pass true. for API users, pass false.
+-  std::unique_ptr<DNSRecordContent> 
drc(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(qtype.getCode(), 1, content));
++  auto drc = DNSRecordContent::mastermake(qtype.getCode(), QClass::IN, 
+   return drc->getZoneRepresentation(noDot);
+ }
+diff --git a/pdns/ b/pdns/
+index 14e47373d..f115e018b 100644
+--- a/pdns/
++++ b/pdns/
+@@ -257,9 +257,7 @@ bool DNSSECKeeper::getNSEC3PARAM(const DNSName& zname, 
+   static int maxNSEC3Iterations=::arg().asNum("max-nsec3-iterations");
+   if(ns3p) {
+-    NSEC3PARAMRecordContent* 
 1, value));
+-    *ns3p = *tmp;
+-    delete tmp;
++    *ns3p = NSEC3PARAMRecordContent(value);
+     if (ns3p->d_iterations > maxNSEC3Iterations) {
+       ns3p->d_iterations = maxNSEC3Iterations;
+       L<<Logger::Error<<"Number of NSEC3 iterations for zone '"<<zname<<"' is 
above 'max-nsec3-iterations'. Value adjusted to: "<<maxNSEC3Iterations<<endl;
diff -Nru pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/series pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/series
--- pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/series    2017-11-27 22:02:24.000000000 +0000
+++ pdns-4.0.3/debian/patches/series    2018-11-10 13:36:22.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Version: 9.8


The update referenced by each of these bugs was included in this
morning's stretch point release.



--- End Message ---

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