Hey folks,

I haven't been following release team things lately, so I might have
missed something: do we have a tool that parses/consumes excuses.yaml
yet? A few years back, I had a tool look at update_excuses.html and
generate graphs/clusters of packages failing to migrate, with their
close friends.

Digging into puppetdb manually[1] made me think about possibly porting
it to use excuses.yaml instead, but maybe something else was developed
in the meanwhile?

 1. https://twitter.com/CyrilBrulebois/status/1078514866397286401

Maybe it would make sense to generate those graphs and include them
somewhere (release.d.o or tracker.d.o) to make it easier for people
to figure out what packages are involved in a given migration, instead
of having to click through possibly many packages?

(cc's welcome, thanks)

Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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