Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> Hi,


> With the release of etch approaching, it would be nice to do a lot of
> archive-wide QA work. However, such work has generally been done without
> much synchronization/coordination, and the draft QA report[0] is nearly
> empty.
> I was wondering what people were currently working on. It seems that
> Bill Allombert did quite a lot of package installation checks recently
> (with piuparts ?), but I'm not aware of other works.
> Maybe people could reply to this thread explaining what they are working
> on, how, what the bottlenecks/blocking issues currently are (manpower,
> machine time ?), if and how others could help, etc ?

I'm processing packages in main that depend or recommends packages which are
not in main (anymore). That doesn't always mean filing bugs as quite some of
them either have already a bug filed or are solved by binNMUs. I'm focussing
on i386 because that's the system I mostly work on... I would always welcome
some not too slow hardware of another architecture :-)



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