
Am 31.03.2018 um 23:34 schrieb Adam D. Barratt:
> It's unclear to me that this actually affects stretch in any meaningful
>  way.
> While the version tracking information does include the stretch version
> in the "found" list, the bug is tagged "buster sid". From reading the
> bug log, it looks like this is because the issue only occurs when using
>  GCC 7, which is not present in stretch.

that is definitely incorrect. Work colleagues of mine ran into this bug
on plain Stretch systems, and it disappeared when using the patched
boost packages I provided.

I cannot share the code because that's privileged information, but you
can take my word for it. I am already providing the patched packages to
dozens of machines via a local repository.

Obviously I would like them very much to go back to Debian so all users
can benefit from it.

Kind regards,
 .''`.   Philipp Huebner <debala...@debian.org>
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