On 05/10/17 16:54, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
> Dear release team,
> This is a pro-forma request for transition for the package open-coarrays;
> Its shared lib has bumped SOVERSION, and so the package name has changed
> from libcaf-mpi1 to libcaf-mpi2 ; its a relatively new package and I don't
> think there are any dependencies in Debian at the moment, but I may be 
> missing something.
> In terms of 'ben' lingo, the transition has the following parameters:
> Affected: .build-depends ~ /libcoarray-dev/
> Good: .depends ~ /libcaf-mpi2/
> Bad: .depends ~ /libcaf-mpi1/
> Am I free to transition this to unstable ?

No rdeps afaics, please go ahead.

Note that transition requests go in bug reports (reportbug has a template).


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