On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 at 22:59:15 +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + confirmed
> On Thu, 2017-07-27 at 07:28 +0100, Simon McVittie wrote:
> > 
> > Filtered diff (patched tree in security vs. what I propose) in
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2017/07/msg00555.html aka
> > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=864028#57 aka
> > Message-ID: <20170715163609.nemdxrefaeird...@perpetual.pseudorandom.co.uk>.
> > Notes on the differences and what I filtered are in the same mail.
> > 
> > I would also be happy to add the equivalent of
> > https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/flatpak.git/diff/?id=debian/0.8.7-2&id2=debian/0.8.7-1
> > to make this flatpak compatible with buster's libostree, if the SRMs
> > would be OK with that; that would turn it into 0.8.7-2~deb9u1. The
> > relevant commits will be in upstream release 0.8.8 eventually.
> That sounds okay to me. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I've assumed you meant "yes, please also include the 0.8.7-2
changes" (i.e. compatibility with buster's libostree), and uploaded
0.8.7-2~deb9u1. If that was wrong, please reject it and I'll go for
0.8.7-1~deb9u1. I tested against stretch's libostree on a stretch system
to make sure it works correctly with both.

The attached debdiff is the difference between what you already saw in
https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2017/07/msg00555.html aka
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=864028#57 aka
Message-ID: <20170715163609.nemdxrefaeird...@perpetual.pseudorandom.co.uk>,
and what I uploaded. Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch was just
moved into a subdirectory, there are no functional changes to it.

diffstat for flatpak-0.8.7 flatpak-0.8.7

 changelog                                                                     |   29 +
 patches/0.8.8/Manually-copy-summary-for-update-and-appdata-too.patch          |  100 ++++
 patches/0.8.8/common-Store-the-summary-signature-in-the-cache-too.patch       |  226 ++++++++++
 patches/0.8.8/install-Manually-save-summary-.sig-in-cache-repo.patch          |   61 ++
 patches/0.8.8/test-run-Allow-org.test.Setuid-to-install-as-long-as-it-s.patch |   66 ++
 patches/0.9.1/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch                      |   46 ++
 patches/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch                            |   46 --
 patches/series                                                                |    6 
 8 files changed, 531 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/changelog flatpak-0.8.7/debian/changelog
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/changelog	2017-06-21 12:36:34.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/changelog	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
-flatpak (0.8.7-1~deb9u1) stretch; urgency=medium
+flatpak (0.8.7-2~deb9u1) stretch; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for stretch
+  * Merge changelog from stretch-security
   * debian/gbp.conf: Switch branch to debian/stretch
- -- Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>  Wed, 21 Jun 2017 12:36:34 +0100
+ -- Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>  Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:44:53 +0100
+flatpak (0.8.7-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Move upstreamed patch to debian/patches/0.9.1/ to make it obvious
+    when it can be dropped
+  * d/p/0.8.8/: add patches backported from upstream 0.9.4, 0.9.6,
+    together with a new patch to the tests, to restore compatibility
+    with libostree 2017.7 (all applied upstream already)
+ -- Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>  Wed, 28 Jun 2017 11:55:18 +0100
 flatpak (0.8.7-1) unstable; urgency=high
@@ -20,6 +31,20 @@
  -- Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>  Wed, 21 Jun 2017 09:50:09 +0100
+flatpak (0.8.5-2+deb9u1) stretch-security; urgency=high
+  * d/p/Ensure-we-don-t-install-world-writable-dirs-or-setuid-fil.patch:
+    Patch from upstream stable release 0.8.7.
+    Prevent deploying files with inappropriate permissions
+    (world-writable, setuid, etc.) (Closes: #865413)
+  * d/p/dir-Ensure-.local-share-flatpak-is-0700.patch:
+    Patch from upstream stable release 0.8.7.
+    Make ~/.local/share/flatpak private to user to defend against app
+    vendors that might have released files with inappropriate permissions
+    in the past
+ -- Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>  Wed, 21 Jun 2017 12:05:49 +0100
 flatpak (0.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/common-Store-the-summary-signature-in-the-cache-too.patch flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/common-Store-the-summary-signature-in-the-cache-too.patch
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/common-Store-the-summary-signature-in-the-cache-too.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/common-Store-the-summary-signature-in-the-cache-too.patch	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+From: Alexander Larsson <al...@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 12:00:32 +0200
+Subject: common: Store the summary signature in the cache too
+We will need this later
+Origin: backport, 0.9.4, commit:b06e38073a17dc2e67a7774768100f6cc9769791
+Forwarded: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/pull/874
+Applied-upstream: 0.8.8, commit:f76f5002368b73360d48093dfae72ad9de53c6eb
+ common/flatpak-dir.c | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/common/flatpak-dir.c b/common/flatpak-dir.c
+index 819027b..f83fb71 100644
+--- a/common/flatpak-dir.c
++++ b/common/flatpak-dir.c
+@@ -61,12 +61,14 @@ static OstreeRepo * flatpak_dir_create_system_child_repo (FlatpakDir   *self,
+ static gboolean flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (FlatpakDir   *self,
+                                                   const char   *name,
+                                                   GBytes      **out_summary,
++                                                  GBytes      **out_summary_sig,
+                                                   GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                                   GError      **error);
+ typedef struct
+ {
+   GBytes *bytes;
++  GBytes *bytes_sig;
+   char *remote;
+   char *url;
+   guint64 time;
+@@ -2250,7 +2252,7 @@ flatpak_dir_pull (FlatpakDir          *self,
+       g_autoptr(GVariant) summary = NULL;
+       if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, repository,
+-                                             &summary_bytes,
++                                             &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                              cancellable, error))
+         return FALSE;
+@@ -4869,7 +4871,7 @@ flatpak_dir_update (FlatpakDir          *self,
+             }
+         }
+       else if (flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote_name,
+-                                                 &summary_bytes,
++                                                 &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                                  cancellable, NULL))
+         {
+           g_autoptr(GVariant) summary =
+@@ -5716,6 +5718,8 @@ static void
+ cached_summary_free (CachedSummary *summary)
+ {
+   g_bytes_unref (summary->bytes);
++  if (summary->bytes_sig)
++    g_bytes_unref (summary->bytes_sig);
+   g_free (summary->remote);
+   g_free (summary->url);
+   g_free (summary);
+@@ -5723,24 +5727,29 @@ cached_summary_free (CachedSummary *summary)
+ static CachedSummary *
+ cached_summary_new (GBytes *bytes,
++                    GBytes *bytes_sig,
+                     const char *remote,
+                     const char *url)
+ {
+   CachedSummary *summary = g_new0 (CachedSummary, 1);
+   summary->bytes = g_bytes_ref (bytes);
++  if (bytes_sig)
++    summary->bytes_sig = g_bytes_ref (bytes_sig);
+   summary->url = g_strdup (url);
+   summary->remote = g_strdup (remote);
+   summary->time = g_get_monotonic_time ();
+   return summary;
+ }
+-static GBytes *
++static gboolean
+ flatpak_dir_lookup_cached_summary (FlatpakDir  *self,
++                                   GBytes **bytes_out,
++                                   GBytes **bytes_sig_out,
+                                    const char  *name,
+                                    const char  *url)
+ {
+   CachedSummary *summary;
+-  GBytes *res = NULL;
++  gboolean res = FALSE;
+   G_LOCK (cache);
+@@ -5755,7 +5764,15 @@ flatpak_dir_lookup_cached_summary (FlatpakDir  *self,
+           strcmp (url, summary->url) == 0)
+         {
+           g_debug ("Using cached summary for remote %s", name);
+-          res = g_bytes_ref (summary->bytes);
++          *bytes_out = g_bytes_ref (summary->bytes);
++          if (bytes_sig_out)
++            {
++              if (summary->bytes_sig)
++                *bytes_sig_out = g_bytes_ref (summary->bytes_sig);
++              else
++                *bytes_sig_out = NULL;
++            }
++          res = TRUE;
+         }
+     }
+@@ -5767,6 +5784,7 @@ flatpak_dir_lookup_cached_summary (FlatpakDir  *self,
+ static void
+ flatpak_dir_cache_summary (FlatpakDir  *self,
+                            GBytes      *bytes,
++                           GBytes      *bytes_sig,
+                            const char  *name,
+                            const char  *url)
+ {
+@@ -5781,7 +5799,7 @@ flatpak_dir_cache_summary (FlatpakDir  *self,
+   /* This was already initialized in the cache-miss lookup */
+   g_assert (self->summary_cache != NULL);
+-  summary = cached_summary_new (bytes, name, url);
++  summary = cached_summary_new (bytes, bytes_sig, name, url);
+   g_hash_table_replace (self->summary_cache, summary->remote, summary);
+   G_UNLOCK (cache);
+@@ -5886,6 +5904,7 @@ static gboolean
+ flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (FlatpakDir   *self,
+                                   const char   *name,
+                                   GBytes      **out_summary,
++                                  GBytes      **out_summary_sig,
+                                   GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                   GError      **error)
+ {
+@@ -5893,7 +5912,8 @@ flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (FlatpakDir   *self,
+   gboolean is_local;
+   g_autoptr(GError) local_error = NULL;
+   g_autofree char *oci_uri = NULL;
+-  GBytes *summary;
++  g_autoptr(GBytes) summary = NULL;
++  g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_sig = NULL;
+   if (!ostree_repo_remote_get_url (self->repo, name, &url, error))
+     return FALSE;
+@@ -5903,12 +5923,8 @@ flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (FlatpakDir   *self,
+   /* No caching for local files */
+   if (!is_local)
+     {
+-      GBytes *cached_summary = flatpak_dir_lookup_cached_summary (self, name, url);
+-      if (cached_summary)
+-        {
+-          *out_summary = cached_summary;
+-          return TRUE;
+-        }
++      if (flatpak_dir_lookup_cached_summary (self, out_summary, out_summary_sig, name, url))
++        return TRUE;
+     }
+   /* Seems ostree asserts if this is NULL */
+@@ -5928,7 +5944,7 @@ flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (FlatpakDir   *self,
+   else
+     {
+       if (!ostree_repo_remote_fetch_summary (self->repo, name,
+-                                             &summary, NULL,
++                                             &summary, &summary_sig,
+                                              cancellable,
+                                              error))
+         return FALSE;
+@@ -5939,9 +5955,11 @@ flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (FlatpakDir   *self,
+                          "Check the URL passed to remote-add was valid\n", name);
+   if (!is_local)
+-    flatpak_dir_cache_summary (self, summary, name, url);
++    flatpak_dir_cache_summary (self, summary, summary_sig, name, url);
+-  *out_summary = summary;
++  *out_summary = g_steal_pointer (&summary);
++  if (out_summary_sig)
++    *out_summary_sig = g_steal_pointer (&summary_sig);
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+@@ -5956,7 +5974,7 @@ flatpak_dir_remote_has_ref (FlatpakDir   *self,
+   g_autoptr(GError) local_error = NULL;
+   if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote,
+-                                         &summary_bytes,
++                                         &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                          NULL, &local_error))
+     {
+       g_debug ("Can't get summary for remote %s: %s\n", remote, local_error->message);
+@@ -5986,7 +6004,7 @@ flatpak_dir_remote_list_refs (FlatpakDir       *self,
+   GVariant *child;
+   if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote_name,
+-                                         &summary_bytes,
++                                         &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                          cancellable, error))
+     return FALSE;
+@@ -7362,7 +7380,7 @@ fetch_remote_summary_file (FlatpakDir   *self,
+     return NULL;
+   if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote,
+-                                         &summary_bytes,
++                                         &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                          cancellable, error))
+     return NULL;
+@@ -7633,7 +7651,7 @@ flatpak_dir_fetch_ref_cache (FlatpakDir   *self,
+     return FALSE;
+   if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote_name,
+-                                         &summary_bytes,
++                                         &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                          cancellable, error))
+     return FALSE;
+@@ -7776,7 +7794,7 @@ flatpak_dir_find_remote_related (FlatpakDir *self,
+     return g_steal_pointer (&related);  /* Empty url, silently disables updates */
+   if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote_name,
+-                                         &summary_bytes,
++                                         &summary_bytes, NULL,
+                                          cancellable, error))
+     return NULL;
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/install-Manually-save-summary-.sig-in-cache-repo.patch flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/install-Manually-save-summary-.sig-in-cache-repo.patch
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/install-Manually-save-summary-.sig-in-cache-repo.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/install-Manually-save-summary-.sig-in-cache-repo.patch	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From: Alexander Larsson <al...@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 13:09:33 +0200
+Subject: install: Manually save summary[.sig] in cache repo
+With the latest ostree, pull --mirror does not mirror the
+summary for partial pulls, so system-wide installs fail. We
+fix it by manually updating the summary.
+Origin: backport, 0.9.6, commit:e987d92ad03981895a2a60db4f82420a12cd6cb7
+Forwarded: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/pull/874
+Applied-upstream: 0.8.8, commit:82495934823a501dccd54486143dee790ffe3f32
+ common/flatpak-dir.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/common/flatpak-dir.c b/common/flatpak-dir.c
+index f83fb71..83c0f1b 100644
+--- a/common/flatpak-dir.c
++++ b/common/flatpak-dir.c
+@@ -4509,11 +4509,20 @@ flatpak_dir_install (FlatpakDir          *self,
+           /* We're pulling from a remote source, we do the network mirroring pull as a
+              user and hand back the resulting data to the system-helper, that trusts us
+              due to the GPG signatures in the repo */
++          g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_copy = NULL;
++          g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_sig_copy = NULL;
++          g_autoptr(GFile) summary_file = NULL;
++          g_autoptr(GFile) summary_sig_file = NULL;
+           child_repo = flatpak_dir_create_system_child_repo (self, &child_repo_lock, error);
+           if (child_repo == NULL)
+             return FALSE;
++          if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote_name,
++                                                 &summary_copy, &summary_sig_copy,
++                                                 cancellable, error))
++            return FALSE;
+           if (!flatpak_dir_pull (self, remote_name, ref, NULL, subpaths,
+                                  child_repo,
+@@ -4521,6 +4530,20 @@ flatpak_dir_install (FlatpakDir          *self,
+                                  progress, cancellable, error))
+             return FALSE;
++          summary_file = g_file_get_child (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo), "summary");
++          if (!g_file_replace_contents (summary_file,
++                                        g_bytes_get_data (summary_copy, NULL),
++                                        g_bytes_get_size (summary_copy),
++                                        NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, cancellable, NULL))
++            return FALSE;
++          summary_sig_file = g_file_get_child (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo), "summary.sig");
++          if (!g_file_replace_contents (summary_sig_file,
++                                        g_bytes_get_data (summary_sig_copy, NULL),
++                                        g_bytes_get_size (summary_sig_copy),
++                                        NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, cancellable, NULL))
++            return FALSE;
+           child_repo_path = g_file_get_path (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo));
+         }
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/Manually-copy-summary-for-update-and-appdata-too.patch flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/Manually-copy-summary-for-update-and-appdata-too.patch
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/Manually-copy-summary-for-update-and-appdata-too.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/Manually-copy-summary-for-update-and-appdata-too.patch	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+From: Alexander Larsson <al...@redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 15:01:19 +0200
+Subject: Manually copy summary for update and appdata too
+Origin: backport, 0.9.6, commit:67ffd9a0b6f2f76de8aa08e6eb00505e48c48cbd
+Forwarded: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/pull/874
+Applied-upstream: 0.8.8, commit:0723efdcc8f960cadf6d9235f0e93e715f287fd0
+ common/flatpak-dir.c | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/common/flatpak-dir.c b/common/flatpak-dir.c
+index 83c0f1b..4f6f54d 100644
+--- a/common/flatpak-dir.c
++++ b/common/flatpak-dir.c
+@@ -1652,6 +1652,10 @@ flatpak_dir_update_appstream (FlatpakDir          *self,
+       g_autoptr(OstreeRepo) child_repo = NULL;
+       g_auto(GLnxLockFile) child_repo_lock = GLNX_LOCK_FILE_INIT;
+       FlatpakSystemHelper *system_helper;
++      g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_copy = NULL;
++      g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_sig_copy = NULL;
++      g_autoptr(GFile) summary_file = NULL;
++      g_autoptr(GFile) summary_sig_file = NULL;
+       child_repo = flatpak_dir_create_system_child_repo (self, &child_repo_lock, error);
+       if (child_repo == NULL)
+@@ -1661,11 +1665,30 @@ flatpak_dir_update_appstream (FlatpakDir          *self,
+       g_assert (system_helper != NULL);
++      if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote,
++                                             &summary_copy, &summary_sig_copy,
++                                             cancellable, error))
++        return FALSE;
+       if (!flatpak_dir_pull (self, remote, branch, NULL, NULL,
+                              child_repo, FLATPAK_PULL_FLAGS_NONE, OSTREE_REPO_PULL_FLAGS_MIRROR,
+                              progress, cancellable, error))
+         return FALSE;
++      summary_file = g_file_get_child (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo), "summary");
++      if (!g_file_replace_contents (summary_file,
++                                    g_bytes_get_data (summary_copy, NULL),
++                                    g_bytes_get_size (summary_copy),
++                                    NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, cancellable, NULL))
++        return FALSE;
++      summary_sig_file = g_file_get_child (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo), "summary.sig");
++      if (!g_file_replace_contents (summary_sig_file,
++                                    g_bytes_get_data (summary_sig_copy, NULL),
++                                    g_bytes_get_size (summary_sig_copy),
++                                    NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, cancellable, NULL))
++        return FALSE;
+       if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (child_repo, branch, TRUE, &new_checksum, error))
+         return FALSE;
+@@ -4979,6 +5002,10 @@ flatpak_dir_update (FlatpakDir          *self,
+              user and hand back the resulting data to the system-helper, that trusts us
+              due to the GPG signatures in the repo */
+           FlatpakPullFlags flatpak_flags;
++          g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_copy = NULL;
++          g_autoptr(GBytes) summary_sig_copy = NULL;
++          g_autoptr(GFile) summary_file = NULL;
++          g_autoptr(GFile) summary_sig_file = NULL;
+           child_repo = flatpak_dir_create_system_child_repo (self, &child_repo_lock, error);
+           if (child_repo == NULL)
+@@ -4988,12 +5015,31 @@ flatpak_dir_update (FlatpakDir          *self,
+           if (checksum_or_latest != NULL)
+             flatpak_flags |= FLATPAK_PULL_FLAGS_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE;
++          if (!flatpak_dir_remote_fetch_summary (self, remote_name,
++                                                 &summary_copy, &summary_sig_copy,
++                                                 cancellable, error))
++            return FALSE;
+           if (!flatpak_dir_pull (self, remote_name, ref, rev, subpaths,
+                                  child_repo,
+                                  flatpak_flags, OSTREE_REPO_PULL_FLAGS_MIRROR,
+                                  progress, cancellable, error))
+             return FALSE;
++          summary_file = g_file_get_child (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo), "summary");
++          if (!g_file_replace_contents (summary_file,
++                                        g_bytes_get_data (summary_copy, NULL),
++                                        g_bytes_get_size (summary_copy),
++                                        NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, cancellable, NULL))
++            return FALSE;
++          summary_sig_file = g_file_get_child (ostree_repo_get_path (child_repo), "summary.sig");
++          if (!g_file_replace_contents (summary_sig_file,
++                                        g_bytes_get_data (summary_sig_copy, NULL),
++                                        g_bytes_get_size (summary_sig_copy),
++                                        NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, cancellable, NULL))
++            return FALSE;
+           if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (child_repo, ref, FALSE, &latest_checksum, error))
+             return FALSE;
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/test-run-Allow-org.test.Setuid-to-install-as-long-as-it-s.patch flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/test-run-Allow-org.test.Setuid-to-install-as-long-as-it-s.patch
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/test-run-Allow-org.test.Setuid-to-install-as-long-as-it-s.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.8.8/test-run-Allow-org.test.Setuid-to-install-as-long-as-it-s.patch	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From: Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
+Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 10:47:29 +0100
+Subject: test-run: Allow org.test.Setuid to install,
+ as long as it's not setuid
+libostree attempts to strip the setuid and setgid bits from file
+permissions in user-mode checkouts, which, if successful, would make
+Flatpak's check for setuid ineffective and unnecessary. In versions
+older than 2017.7 this was not consistently applied, making commits
+2c8e241 and 02a299f necessary to defeat CVE-2017-9780 (see #845).
+libostree 2017.7 removes setuid and setgid bits more thoroughly
+as a result of fixing https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree/issues/633
+in PR https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree/pull/903, which means that
+this test fails when linking flatpak 0.8.x to libostree 2017.7.
+Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
+Forwarded: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/pull/874
+Applied-upstream: 0.8.8, commit:3ba6e122e1ba49aae6129d7af444fd8db48e6b7e
+ tests/libtest.sh  | 8 ++++++++
+ tests/test-run.sh | 7 ++++---
+ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/libtest.sh b/tests/libtest.sh
+index 8f415b4..0f35195 100644
+--- a/tests/libtest.sh
++++ b/tests/libtest.sh
+@@ -138,6 +138,14 @@ assert_not_file_has_content () {
+     fi
+ }
++assert_file_has_mode () {
++    mode=$(stat -c '%a' $1)
++    if [ "$mode" != "$2" ]; then
++        echo 1>&2 "File '$1' has wrong mode: expected $2, but got $mode"
++        exit 1
++    fi
+ assert_not_has_dir () {
+     if test -d "$1"; then
+ 	echo 1>&2 "Directory '$1' exists"; exit 1
+diff --git a/tests/test-run.sh b/tests/test-run.sh
+index 2b70ff2..934dad3 100755
+--- a/tests/test-run.sh
++++ b/tests/test-run.sh
+@@ -358,14 +358,15 @@ rm -rf app
+ flatpak build-init app org.test.Setuid org.test.Platform org.test.Platform
+ mkdir -p app/files/
+ touch app/files/exe
+-chmod u+s app/files/exe
++chmod 04644 app/files/exe
+ flatpak build-finish --command=hello.sh app
+ ostree --repo=repos/test commit  ${FL_GPGARGS} --branch=app/org.test.Setuid/$ARCH/master app
+ update_repo
+ if ${FLATPAK} ${U} install test-repo org.test.Setuid &> err2.txt; then
+-    assert_not_reached "Should not be able to install with setuid file"
++    assert_file_has_mode "$FL_DIR/app/org.test.Setuid/$ARCH/master/active/files/exe" 644
++    assert_file_has_content err2.txt [Ii]nvalid
+ fi
+-assert_file_has_content err2.txt [Ii]nvalid
+ echo "ok no setuid"
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.9.1/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.9.1/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.9.1/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/0.9.1/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From: Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
+Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 20:01:49 +0000
+Subject: Improve and simplify profile snippet
+Avoid setting a temporary variable flatpak_dirs which, while not
+exported to the environment, would still be defined as a
+shell "parameter" (variable) in the login shell itself.
+Consistently put the Flatpak directories before other XDG_DATA_DIRS,
+rather than putting them last if XDG_DATA_DIRS happens to be already
+Expand XDG_DATA_HOME if necessary, rather than assuming it will
+always be ~/.local/share.
+I don't know exactly which shells source profile.d, but it's possible
+that one of them might only implement POSIX test syntax, so prefer
+[ x = y ] over [ x == y ].
+Fix some insufficient quoting that could have gone wrong if
+XDG_DATA_DIRS somehow contained spaces.
+Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
+Applied-upstream: 0.9.1, commit:e572311a26911b74e96c593987e250fb4bbc532b
+ profile/flatpak.sh.in | 8 ++------
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/profile/flatpak.sh.in b/profile/flatpak.sh.in
+index cc9c342..8b350e8 100644
+--- a/profile/flatpak.sh.in
++++ b/profile/flatpak.sh.in
+@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
+ # @sysconfdir@/profile.d/flatpak.sh - set XDG_DATA_DIRS
+-if [ -z "${XDG_DATA_DIRS}" ]; then
+-    XDG_DATA_DIRS="$flatpak_dirs:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"
+-elif [ "${XDG_DATA_DIRS#*flatpak}" == ${XDG_DATA_DIRS} ]; then
+-    XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS:$flatpak_dirs"
++if [ "${XDG_DATA_DIRS#*flatpak}" = "${XDG_DATA_DIRS}" ]; then
++    XDG_DATA_DIRS="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-"$HOME/.local/share"}/flatpak/exports/share:@localstatedir@/lib/flatpak/exports/share:${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share}"
+ fi
+ export XDG_DATA_DIRS
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch	2017-06-21 12:36:34.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/Improve-and-simplify-profile-snippet.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-From: Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
-Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 20:01:49 +0000
-Subject: Improve and simplify profile snippet
-Avoid setting a temporary variable flatpak_dirs which, while not
-exported to the environment, would still be defined as a
-shell "parameter" (variable) in the login shell itself.
-Consistently put the Flatpak directories before other XDG_DATA_DIRS,
-rather than putting them last if XDG_DATA_DIRS happens to be already
-Expand XDG_DATA_HOME if necessary, rather than assuming it will
-always be ~/.local/share.
-I don't know exactly which shells source profile.d, but it's possible
-that one of them might only implement POSIX test syntax, so prefer
-[ x = y ] over [ x == y ].
-Fix some insufficient quoting that could have gone wrong if
-XDG_DATA_DIRS somehow contained spaces.
-Signed-off-by: Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org>
-Applied-upstream: 0.9.1, commit:e572311a26911b74e96c593987e250fb4bbc532b
- profile/flatpak.sh.in | 8 ++------
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/profile/flatpak.sh.in b/profile/flatpak.sh.in
-index cc9c342..8b350e8 100644
---- a/profile/flatpak.sh.in
-+++ b/profile/flatpak.sh.in
-@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
- # @sysconfdir@/profile.d/flatpak.sh - set XDG_DATA_DIRS
--if [ -z "${XDG_DATA_DIRS}" ]; then
--    XDG_DATA_DIRS="$flatpak_dirs:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"
--elif [ "${XDG_DATA_DIRS#*flatpak}" == ${XDG_DATA_DIRS} ]; then
--    XDG_DATA_DIRS="$XDG_DATA_DIRS:$flatpak_dirs"
-+if [ "${XDG_DATA_DIRS#*flatpak}" = "${XDG_DATA_DIRS}" ]; then
-+    XDG_DATA_DIRS="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-"$HOME/.local/share"}/flatpak/exports/share:@localstatedir@/lib/flatpak/exports/share:${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share}"
- fi
- export XDG_DATA_DIRS
diff -Nru --exclude aclocal.m4 --exclude configure --exclude config.guess --exclude config.sub --exclude po --exclude html --exclude Makefile.in flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/series flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/series
--- flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/series	2017-06-21 12:36:34.000000000 +0100
+++ flatpak-0.8.7/debian/patches/series	2017-07-31 08:44:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -1 +1,5 @@

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