reopen 862363 !

Cyril Brulebois writes:

>> Could you please approve this change and allow Adrian to proceed with
>> the NMU?
>> It fixes a pretty old bug in dwww that was recently made visible (and
>> thus made dwww mostly unusable) due to the security upload of apache2
>> into jessie.
> This is the kind of things that should have been in the pu request. This
> should also be mentioned in the changelog. Fixing bugs is great, but
> providing explanations while doing so is even better.

I can see that Adrian has closed the bug report, so I've just prepared
another version of the patch:

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index d30cd60..48f6a8d 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+dwww (1.12.1+deb8u1) jessie; urgency=medium
+  * Fix an old typo in the `Last-Modified' header name that prevents dwww
+    from working correctly on systems running the latest available jessie
+    version of apache2, which as a part its security update for
+    started enforcing HTTP headers conformance with the appropriate
+    (closes: #850016, #850885).
 dwww (1.12.1) unstable; urgency=medium

   * apache.conf: add an `Alias /dwww /var/www/dwww' line to accommodate
diff --git a/scripts/dwww-convert b/scripts/dwww-convert
index a9792c5..d296d32 100755
--- a/scripts/dwww-convert
+++ b/scripts/dwww-convert
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ sub PrintHeaders() { # {{{
     print "Content-type: $mime_type" . (defined $mime_charset ? ";
charset=$mime_charset\n" : "\n");
     my @stat = stat( $filename );
     my $mtime = $stat[9];
-    print "Last modified: " . gmtime($mtime) . "\n";
+    print "Last-modified: " . gmtime($mtime) . "\n";
     print "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$base_name\"\n";
     print "\n";
 } # }}}

Would this be accepted? If yes, could you please let me know how should
I upload this, as I haven't uploaded anything to stable for ages?


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