Your message dated Tue, 24 Jan 2017 18:24:23 +0100
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and subject line Re: Bug#842177: transition: hdf5
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regarding transition: hdf5
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--- Begin Message ---
Severity: normal
Usertags: transition

Hash: SHA256

Hi Release Team,

I hereby request a transition slot for hdf5 1.10 currently in experimental. 
This release ships major changes and has its soname bumped from 10 to 100.

Ben file:

title = "hdf5";
is_affected = .depends ~ /libhdf5.*-10([^0]|$)/ | .depends ~ /libhdf5.*-100/;
is_good = .depends ~ /libhdf5.*-100/;
is_bad = .depends ~ /libhdf5.*-10([^0]|$)/;

I've checked the build of every reverse dependencies. These few ones are of 
* libsis-jhdf5-java : unmaintained upstream - low popcon
* pytables : doesn't support new hdf5 API - popcon about 3000 - no reverse 
* yorick-hdf5 : desing flaw - no support for 64bits integers - popcon about 300 
- no reverse dependencies
* insighttoolkit4 : in progress; looking for a box with enough RAM - rather low 
* ants : in progress; build depends on insighttoolkit4 - raher low popcon

- From the above packages, the only real concern is pytables. A discussion is 
ongoing on debian-science@d.o, and I'm confident we'll find a solution before 
the Stretch freeze.

Full report:
===[ Dependency level 0 ]=====
hdf5:                                   binnmu OK
nanopolish:                             binnmu OK
octave-communications:                  binnmu OK
===[ Dependency level 1 ]=====
chemps2: hdf5                           patch provided via #841954
field3d: hdf5                           binnmu OK
freefem++: hdf5                         binnmu OK
h5py: hdf5                              binnmu OK
h5utils: hdf5                           binnmu OK
hdf-eos5: hdf5                          binnmu OK
ismrmrd: hdf5                           patch provided via #841959
jhdf: hdf5                              binnmu OK
libcgns: hdf5                           binnmu OK
libgpiv: hdf5                           patch provided via #841962
libmatio: hdf5                          binnmu OK
libmstoolkit: hdf5                      binnmu OK
libpdl-io-hdf5-perl: hdf5               patch provided via #841963
libsis-jhdf5-java: hdf5                 KO hard coded hid_t as jint all over 
the source; upstream site dead (
libvigraimpex: hdf5                     binnmu OK
mapsembler2: hdf5                       binnmu OK
med-fichier: hdf5                       patch provided via #841964
meep: hdf5                              binnmu OK
meep-lam4: hdf5                         binnmu OK
meep-mpi-default: hdf5                  binnmu OK
meep-mpich2: hdf5                       binnmu OK
meep-openmpi: hdf5                      binnmu OK
mpb: hdf5                               binnmu OK
ncbi-vdb: hdf5                          binnmu OK
netcdf: hdf5                            binnmu OK
nexus: hdf5                             binnmu OK
octave: hdf5                            binnmu OK
opengm: hdf5                            binnmu OK
pbseqlib: hdf5                          binnmu OK
pytables: hdf5                          KO - doesn't support hdf5-1.10 yet
r-cran-hdf5: hdf5                       binnmu OK
seer: hdf5                              binnmu OK
shark: hdf5                             binnmu OK
shogun: hdf5                            FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in 
testing - #809290
silo-llnl: hdf5                         binnmu OK
slurm-llnl: hdf5                        binnmu OK
stimfit: hdf5                           binnmu OK
tessa: hdf5                             FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in 
testing - #817690
trilinos: hdf5                          binnmu OK
xdmf: hdf5                              binnmu OK
yorick-hdf5: hdf5                       KO Yorick doesn't support 64bits 
integers (hid_t)
===[ Dependency level 2 ]=====
adios: hdf5 netcdf                      binnmu OK
aster: hdf5 med-fichier                 FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in 
testing - #837915
blasr: hdf5 pbseqlib                    binnmu OK
cmor: hdf5 netcdf                       binnmu OK
code-saturne: hdf5 libcgns med-fichier  binnmu OK
comet-ms: libmstoolkit                  binnmu OK
deal.ii: hdf5 netcdf trilinos           BD uninstallable - not in testing
gdal: hdf5 netcdf                       binnmu OK
grads: hdf5 netcdf                      binnmu OK
grib-api: hdf5 netcdf                   binnmu OK
labplot: hdf5 netcdf                    binnmu OK
libminc: hdf5 netcdf                    patch provided via #841970
mathgl: hdf5 octave                     binnmu OK
nco: netcdf                             binnmu OK
ncview: netcdf                          binnmu OK
netcdf4-python: hdf5 netcdf             binnmu OK
octave-netcdf: netcdf                   binnmu OK
ovito: hdf5 netcdf                      binnmu OK
paraview: hdf5 netcdf xdmf              binnmu OK
psi4: chemps2 hdf5                      binnmu OK
pygpiv: hdf5 libgpiv                    binnmu OK
python-shogun: hdf5 shogun              binnmu OK
r-cran-ncdf4: netcdf                    binnmu OK
ruby-hdfeos5: hdf-eos5 hdf5             binnmu OK
ruby-netcdf: netcdf                     binnmu OK
scilab: hdf5 libmatio                   patch provided via #841975 + need ocaml 
binnmu #841938
vips: libmatio                          binnmu OK
===[ Dependency level 3 ]=====
gmt: gdal netcdf                        binnmu OK
gnudatalanguage: grib-api hdf5 netcdf   patch provided via #841971
grass: gdal netcdf                      binnmu OK
insighttoolkit4: hdf5 libminc           IN PROGRESS
magics++: grib-api hdf5 netcdf          binnmu OK
minc-tools: hdf5 libminc netcdf         patch provided via #841972
ncl: gdal hdf-eos5 hdf5 netcdf          binnmu OK
pdal: gdal hdf5                         binnmu OK
syrthes: code-saturne hdf5 med-fichier  binnmu OK
vtk6: gdal hdf5 netcdf                  binnmu OK
===[ Dependency level 4 ]=====
ants: hdf5 insighttoolkit4              IN PROGRESS
cdo: grib-api hdf5 magics++ netcdf      binnmu OK
dolfin: hdf5 vtk6                       binnmu OK
ifrit: vtk6                             binnmu OK
metview: grib-api hdf5 magics++ netcdf  binnmu OK
mia: hdf5 vtk6                          binnmu OK
odin: hdf5 ismrmrd vtk6                 FTBFS unrelated to hdf5 - not in 
testing - #835746
openmeeg: libmatio vtk6                 binnmu OK

Thanks in advance,




--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On 26/10/16 18:46, Gilles Filippini wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> Hi Release Team,
> I hereby request a transition slot for hdf5 1.10 currently in experimental. 
> This release ships major changes and has its soname bumped from 10 to 100.

This is finished (in testing).


--- End Message ---

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