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On Fri, 2016-12-16 at 18:31 +0100, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:
> I would like to important issues affecting coquelicot in jessie:
> #809351: properly run coquelicot under the 'coquelicot' user and not
> as root. It was always intended that way, that's why the cron is running
> under the coquelicot user already. The issue has been fixed a while ago
> for stretch (in 0.9.4-1, uploaded September 2015). This backports the
> changes from the unstable branch which switched to using
> init-d-script(5).
> #808018: silence deprecation warnings coming from cron. While the
> warnings actually come from ruby-fast-gettext, they make the garbage
> collection cron send an email on every run.

+         sysvinit-utils (>= 2.88dsf-50),

What's that for? sysvinit-utils is Essential:yes.

Hmmm, so the answer appears to be "because that's when init-d-script(5)
was added". That doesn't really seem like a minimal change for fixing
the user that the daemon is running as.



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