Eric Dorland wrote:
> Hello,


> According to
> firefox is ready to go into testing, except it's blocking on a bunch
> of translation packages that have been updated and renamed themselves
> already for the most part. 

What about the build failure on sparc?

I've uploaded a fixed package of mozilla-firefox-locale-all yesterday...
 Apparantly all the depending packages should be no problem as they are
updated. But there are some problems with the non-depending packages:
m-f-locale-af-za, m-f-locale-ast-es, m-f-locale-pt-pt, m-f-locale-sq-al
and m-f-theme-rtlclassic are not provided by the
mozilla-firefox-locale-all package anymore as the translations are
outdated; m-f-locale-ar, m-f-locale-el, m-f-locale-it, m-f-locale-ja and
m-f-locale-tr ship translations for an outdated mozilla-firefox at least
according to their dependencies...



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