
Sorry to have been lingering on this bug: on Igloo's buildd report I saw
that some of the packages were still rebuilding and I thought it was
just a matter of waiting.

Today I investigated a bit more.  The problem is indeed connected to the
C++ allocator thing, and the recompile was incomplete because debtags
links statically with some libraries, and it's nonobvious to find the
dependencies.  Luckily, thanks to a suggestion of Jonas Smedegaard at
Debconf4, I use dh_buildinfo.

It turned out that the libtagcoll-dev is still built with libstdc++6
4.0.2-3.  It in turn gets statically linked into libapt-front-dev, which
in turn gets statically linked into debtags.

So, it seems that there are some recompiles to be triggered:

Step 1: libtagcoll-dev

Step 2: tagcoll, tagcolledit, libapt-front-dev
        (since they statically link libtagcoll-dev)

Step 3: debtags, debtags-edit, packagesearch
        (since they statically link libapt-front-dev)



Thanks also to azeem and peterS who helped me figuring some details of
the course of action to follow.
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