Hello guys, Watching Frankfurt[1] and Sidney[2] guys working in Debian Bug Squashing Parties made me thought it would be useful also that Latin American maintainers could also get to work and beat them on killing RC bugs[3] ;-)
Objectives: ----------- Close more RC bugs than the guys from Frankfurt and Sidney in a healthy competition :-) and help get Sarge out the door. Since we are not proposing a physical place to join, we will be working virtually on #debian-bugs, but also, for Spanish chatting will be at #debian-bugs-es. Since this effort will definitively contribute to global bug squashing, we'll use #debian-bugs-es only for hanging around and fun. Any achievement will be reported to #debian-bugs as well. We propose to be hanging around the entire Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th, at any time you want. Attendance: ----------- We invite everyone interested on joining the global bug squashing festival, aimed for Latin American maintainers, including some other related communities (South American and Hispano American ;-)). Location: --------- irc.debian.org (also known as FreeNode) #debian-bugs #debian-bugs-es Thanks: ------- Thanks to Sydney's and Frankfurt's community for making these challenges for us. Wiki: ----- You can contribute to anything of this, online: http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?LatinAmericanBSP Regards, 1: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2004/11/msg00002.html 2: http://www.slug.org.au/events/cse.html 3: http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/ -- David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.damog.net/ GPG: 356E16CD - 84F0 E180 8AF6 E8D0 842F B520 63F3 08DB 356E 16CD God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.