On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 05:40:03PM +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:
> I still haven't received news from you on #240334, and I'm quite
> concerned about it, as it may cause severe breakage when it is used on
> a website.
> I assume that use of the module in websites is quite common, although I
> don't know much about its usage patterns and thus I'm hesitant in
> raising the severity to grave.  However, personally I only use the
> module in mod_perl scripting, and axkit also depends heavily on it.
> Since sarge is about to go out, I'm asking you to have a look at it,
> possibly updating the severity or just applying the attached patch.

Given the facts that we're talking about a two-line patch here that
seems rather logical, that it is a rather nasty bug for a certain
group of users and that there wasn't any maintainer reaction since
March to this bug you could also just prepare a NMU with it and upload
it to delayed-<a few days> ... Important bugs aren't RC but they are
still important (sic!). And if they have a patch so trivial like this one
I really see no reason to delay the fix further than needed...

Just my 2c

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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