hello, lurker 1.2 is in debian/unstable since more than 2 weeks now, and it's not in sarge yet, because the depend on libmimelib1 3.3.0-2 from the source package 'kdepim' holds it back.
as the version in sarge is 1.0, an upgrade would be very usefull, to fix some bugs in lurker, and make the database more robust. i've uploaded a new version of lurker, built in testing (sarge) yesterday, as i hoped to improve Depends with that, but somebody at #debian-devel asked me what the autobuilders will do, and that's a very good question *g* so i suggest an upload to testing-purposed-updates, what do you think? lurker 1.2 in debian/unstable is free of bugs, as version 1.0 in sarge is, and builds without any problem in sarge and unstable. bye jonas