On Thursday 23 September 2004 06:11 pm, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> There is at least on possiblity to achieve this that I know of:
> aptitude lists all "obsolete" packages in an extra category.
> So one can just start aptitude and remove all packages listed there.
> (of course this only works if you have no sid deb lines in your
> sources.list and just exclude them by pinning or by specifying
> Default-Release). This is how I cleaned up my system after
> dist-upgrade woody->sarge.

  If you're using aptitude you also have the option of searching for something
like '!~Astable'.


/------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ------------------\
|             Will the last person to leave the Universe please             |
|             turn off the lights and close the door?                       |
\---------------- The Turtle Moves! -- http://www.lspace.org ---------------/

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