On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 08:15:33AM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:
> I've been keeping an eye on what's holding up getting asterisk into testing,
> and lately it's been:
> Checking asterisk

> * trying to update asterisk from 1.0-1 to 1:0.9.1+1.0RC1-8 (candidate is 33 
> days old)
> * asterisk is waiting for openh323, pwlib
>       o openh323 is not yet built on m68k: vs
>       o openh323 is waiting for pwlib
>             + Updating pwlib makes 12 depending packages uninstallable on 
> alpha: asterisk, gnomemeeting, gnugk, libopenh323-dbg, libopenh323-dev, 
> ohphone, ohphone-basic, openam, openmcu, pstngw, simph323, t38modem
>             + Updating pwlib makes 1 non-depending packages uninstallable on 
> alpha: libopenh323-1.12.2 
>           o pwlib is explained above

> So does this require a bit of hinting, or do all the packages rendered
> uninstallable need to be rebuilt against the newer pwlib?

Yes, pwlib and openh323 are candidates for testing today and have been
hinted together.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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