The latest version of gnomemeeting have problems entering testing. <URL:> reports:
- trying to update gnomemeeting from 0.98.5-8 to 1.0.2-5 (candidate is 42 days old) - gnomemeeting is waiting for openh323, pwlib - openh323 is not yet built on m68k: vs - openh323 is waiting for pwlib - Updating pwlib makes 12 depending packages uninstallable on alpha: asterisk, gnomemeeting, gnugk, libopenh323-dbg, libopenh323-dev, ohphone, ohphone-basic, openam, openmcu, pstngw, simph323, t38modem - Updating pwlib makes 1 non-depending packages uninstallable on alpha: libopenh323-1.12.2 - pwlib is explained above The problem seem mostly to be missing m68k binaries for openh323 (built but not uploaded yet). I would very much like to have the latest and greatest of VoIP tools in Sarge. Please push gnomemeeting and the rest into sarge.